I'm not sure if anyone here will know this but I have looked everywhere and can't find a suitable answer and since we are all about skin here, this seems like a good spot. :)

I'm making a candy cane body scrub and I want to dye part of it red but all the recipes call for food coloring. Not only is it not cosmetic grade but I'm worried it will stain the skin. I'm getting mixed reviews of that all over the internet so obviously I can't take a chance plus different skin types will react differently anyway.

Does anyone have any suggestions for this?

Thank you!!

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Children's poster paint is used to add the red color to fake stage blood, and it's non-toxic and non-staining. Putting paint in a body scrub sounds terrible, and obviously it isn't cosmetic grade, but it's the only thing I can think of. I imagine you would only need a tiny, tiny amount of it to give enough color to a body scrub.

Could you leave the color natural and just use color on your packaging?

Thank you so much for your help ladies!! I've decided to not stress myself out anymore this holiday season and just do a white scrub and attach a candy cane to the bottle with a pretty ribbon. It will still be peppermint, just not striped. 

I will be experimenting with those ideas for other things though ladies...thanks. :)

I like that idea. A candy cane and ribbon will look great!

Great idea Deyvn!!  All of you ladies are so creative. 


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