
I just rented out a booth at a new salon and spa. My question is since I had to create a business name and accounts should I advertise under my name or the salon and spas? Is it okay to create a google map location under my business name even though theres already a name under the salon I work with? Everyone I talk to seems to think I should keep it under my name but they have never rented out a booth before! Any input would be great!! Thank you!!

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Hi, congrats!

It sort of depends on which is the most visible.  On the one hand you don't want to do a ton of free advertising for your landlord, but on the other hand, might you personally gain more business by mentioning them in your ads?  I would talk to them about working collaboratively on the ads, and splitting the cost.  That way you could have the announcer say something like, "enjoy all the incredible treatments offered at salon xyz, including facials and aesthetics by Sirbrina."

I booth rent also. I do not advertise for salon (they have done next to 0 for me/us or themselves, they make their money renting rooms). I only mention "located inside ____ or conveniently located inside_______). That's for the clients benefit not the salon's. You may also decide at some point to move on to another location, the more often your name is seen the better.  If salon is willing to split advertising then that might be a different story for me. I've been here 7 years in Nov. Moved in shortly after they opened. Tons of tenants have moved on to other places. Those here that have advertised do pretty much the same as me, advertising for self. You could even talk with a few others and do a multi business ad.


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