i was wondering if those who have worked with this line can tell me the pros and cons.  reading through th material and recipes they offer seem exciting, and their siginature facials seem lovely.  the price points are grest too.  id love to hear some feedback.  i plan to buy buy the sample kit to try.  i need to know if it is really result driven, how cus tomer support is, and retail potential...  thanks

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I switched to RA last September and am glad I did.  I was using Image and was bored with it, even though Image retail sells easily.  So I kept my favorite Image retail items, and continue to order those, and brought in RA.

The peels and enzymes are amazing and my clients love them!  I get great results from the peels (I like the hibiscus and lotus and Apple wine and Vitamin A Peptide).  The enzymes are very effective as well (my faves would be pepsin/papain for congested skin in need of extractions; skin brightening enzyme, which has some acid in it too, so not a true enzyme, but great for pigment issues; and I really like the italian herbal peel and H2o2- I've never seen skin so squeaky clean after that one.. deep pore cleansing).

Retail was harder for me to get a handle on.  The products are great, but there are SO MANY of them!  So, what I ended up doing was making general home care regimens (one for pigmented skin, one for aging/dry, aging/normal, etc) and figured out what retail products I would need for those skin types and I carry only those.

If you try and carry everything, you'll be overwhelmed!

Cleansers sell easily, especially if you carry the 'trial' sizes (they last for almost a month for most clients, too).  They retail for $12 and nearly any client will plop down $12 for a cleanser... then they like it and want the full size.  I like that RA has trial sizes for most products.  I've never had a return because I 1) recommend the right products, and 2) sell a lot of the trial sizes so clients can really test the product out.

Customer support is great!  I've never had a problem.  Free shipping on orders over $250, and my shipments arrive within 3 business days, well packaged and problem-free.

The hardest part is figuring out what you want to carry.  It depends on your market and budget.  I started with the Flower Acid Series because it had loads of protocols at all different levels... facials to deep peels.  I added in things as I saw others that interested me.

I will say that I don't like RAs SPFs.  They have one type, its an SPF 30, and, IMO, its overpriced.  So I still carry and recommend my SPFs from Image.  I like having a moisturizer + SPF, and Image has multiple types/levels so you can really recommend the correct one for your client.  RA only has the 1 and I feel its too restrictive.

Hope that helps.  : )  If you want more info, I can tell you what retail I carry, but I haven't been using it for too long, so I haven't tried a lot of it.  I just picked the ones that sounded great and that I felt my clients had a need for and went with it.  So far, I haven't been disappointed.

thank u so much.  ive been looking throough allthe recipes and ways u can mix treatments and customize...  very fu n

I started using Rhonda Allison in September also.  I love the classes and customer service - I have called the office several times for advice on what to use on a particular client and they've always been extremely helpful.  I love the variety and customization their peels offer.

Nicole Bennett is correct - the retail can be overwhelming!  I'm now looking to streamline what I offer so it won't be so confusing for the client.  I don't carry the men's line because I only have a few male clients.  I'm carrying the Image Ormedic cleanser and some Tecniche products as well.  I'm getting ready to order Face Reality for acne.

The RA Pumpkin cleanser, Beta Green Tea cleanser and Glycolic Herbal wash sell well.  I don't sell many of the masks or enzymes for home use with the exception of the Derma Peel.  I sell a lot of the Growth Factor Gel.

People like the eZinc Protection Cream which they say has SPF 18 but it isn't marked on the container so I think that's a little strange.  

Any questions - feel free to ask:)

Excellent product! Great choice!


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