Do you sit or stand when you do facials and other treatments?  I always like to hear what others do and why.  I was at a training class at IDI where we have to stand and I mentioned how awkward it felt to me and other girls looked at me like I had 3 heads!  They couldn't believe I sat to do facials.   I couldn't believe they stood behind that table all  day!  What is your preference?

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I sit for the most part.  I have an electric table and sometimes if a client is PG or maybe has acid reflux and can't lay down flat, then I will put the back part up and increase the table height to stand.  I was forced to stand in school once for a client so at least I had practice from the get go.  I have been to Esty's that do both. 

What about for a back facial?  DO you do those?  I don't get request for them, but I would usually stand for that. 

We have them on our menu but I've never had one scheduled yet.  I did do a mini back treatment on someone, just cleanse, exfoliation and high frequency for a breakout.  I think I stood for that, but it only took me maybe 20 minutes. 

I stand for back facials but sit during the extraction work.

Most people tell me they are more comfortable with their head elevated slightly and I feel it works better for me if I'm standing.  I have thought about adding a small stool to sit on when I don't need to stand.  I haven't checked into it yet because my room is pretty small.

If you like to have them elevated, maybe you could find a podium type stool.  I have thought about that too.  Sometimes though I feel "fat" after sitting all day :).  LOL

I thought about that but I'm 5'2" and a stool that's tall enough is too hard to get up and down from easily:)  I also just feel like I can move around and work better when I'm standing.  I always wear really comfortable shoes and I do feel it's better for my health not to sit all day.  A mix of sitting and stand is probably best.

Haha Sheila!  I was wearing my bodymedia armband (calculates my activity) during a busy work day and found I burned more calories doing a 60 minute massage on a client then giving a 60 minute facial (due to me sitting most of the time in the facial).

I usually stand during a facial.  I feel I have more range of movement for facial massage standing.

To those who stand, does your back ever hurt?  I feel I can control my posture better by sitting, but I still get tight in the middle of my back after a few facials in a row.  I think standing would make me bend more.  I should mention that my spa is mostly massage so we work at massage tables. 

Obviously I stand when I do a massage, but have learned to sit during a facial.

I position my equipment and supplies within reach so I don't have to get up except when I am positioning the steamer or doing hand/arm massage.

I use a massage table rather than a facial bed and do not elevate the clients head...I feel like I can't SEE their face and neck well enough if it is raised or tilted. How can you do a thorough job of extractions?

I was also trained at IDI and admit that I used to stand during a facial.  I DID find it hard on my back so I trained myself to do a facial sitting on a rolling stool. I also think that the tension/energy from standing is transferred to the client and I believe that my facial is better if I am relaxed and comfortable.

But since most of my biz is massage I am on my feet most of my day anyway. Feels nice to do a relaxing facial!

Cindy do any of your clients complain about lying flat? I had some friends and family try it while I did a facial on them and several said it was not as comfortable. I have thought about using some type of wedge cushion that would only elevate their head slightly but I haven't been able to find the right thing- maybe I could have one made.
Hi Nicole! I too like Cindy use a massage table for facials as I do both as well. When my clients need extra support I use a small neck bolster and that seems to work for them but I do let them know that I'll need to remove the neck support while doing the extraction and massage portion of their facial and they are fine with that.


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