Do you sit or stand when you do facials and other treatments?  I always like to hear what others do and why.  I was at a training class at IDI where we have to stand and I mentioned how awkward it felt to me and other girls looked at me like I had 3 heads!  They couldn't believe I sat to do facials.   I couldn't believe they stood behind that table all  day!  What is your preference?

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Are you talking about the bolster that is flat on one side and rounded on the other?  I will check into that.  Do you use a pillow also or just the bolster under the neck?  Thanks!

Yes that is the type of bolster I use. My table also allows 8 different positions to lift my clients if the bolster still feels a bit flat for them. When I purchased my table it cam with a lot of accessories for the table which was really nice. I also use the long bolster for there knees for all my facial treatments too!

Some, not many, people find it uncomfortable lying flat, but you can see that they have postural problems if you pay attention. With those people I will slip a folded towel under their head (a small neck bolster is a good idea too), and the really bad ones I will use a pillow. I do the same with my massage clients - but with them I usually use a heated pack under their neck, it softens those tight muscles, and after I take it out to massage their neck I can usually put their head back on the table without any extra support.

Most people are very comfortable on the table - it is wider and usually more stable feeling to them than some of the facial beds out there.

Cindy! Great idea on the heat pack under the neck!!! I'm gonna try it!

I sit for facials, stand for back facials. MT also so it gives me a chance to sit now and then. I sit for the last few minutes of of massage prone for doing scalp massage or supine when I massage the neck and face supine, so I'm always using a table. I have a travel size pillow for comfort if they want, also I use a bolster under knees to take pressure off the low back. Occasionally when doing a combo, massage and facial I leave the body cushion on table and that elevates their upper back then tapers down to low back. I have a small student desk chair, hydrolic w/back, on wheels. I know the facial beds in school were terribly uncomforrtable. Their padding was hard and I don't have enough!

Deborah could you tell me where I might find the body cushion you're talking about that elevates the upper back.  Thanks!

I bought mine direct from "Body Cushion"-it's a huge investment, esp. designed for massageing preg. clients, but I use it on all my clients that fit on it.


Deborah- I went to Costco and bought a memory foam twin bed topper for my massage table and all my clients comment on how comfortable the bed felt. I remember those stiff little facial beds in school they were SO uncomfortable :)

Oh, I have everything on my table! Egg crate, heated mattress pad, covered by another padded mattress pad (so I don't have to wash it often), even w/o anything on table it's very comfy compared to many I have layed on over the years as I bought the deluxe padded version by Oakworks. I too get alot of compliments on the comfort-especially the heat.

Love it!

I find that it depends on how you feel that you do your best work.  From my training as a chef and working on boats, I'm a stander.  I feel like I have more leverage and it is easier for me to move around when I work if I am standing.  Even when I was a wedding planner and putting together invitations, I preferred to stand.  But that said, it was really hard on the back!  So, I've tried to incorporate a stool for those portions of the facial that are situated at the head of the table and then I stand for foot massage, arm and leg work.  That way I have the flexibility of resting when I need to and having the leverage that I need.  

I was doing yoga and it seemed to help my back pain (which starts after the 2nd back to back facial).  I had a massage today and our MT is also a teacher and really told me some things about my posture.  She told me to actually lower my table, so I could lower my stool and give myself more stability.  She also talked to me about how to stand while doing hand and arm massage.  I can't wait to incorporate  these things into my next  facials.  Unfortunately, tomorrow, I only have 2 eyebrow waxes!  


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