Hi! I just recently was playing around with some sea salt and some clay (I cant remember what type) and I wrapped my husband in saran wrap and ace bandages for his military waist test and he lost 3 inches! I want to incorporate this in my studio but I want to perfect the formula. Is there a non MLM brand or organic items that I can use to customize wraps. Also I know that coffee and olive oil help reduce the appearance of cellulite but is there a professional brand that I can use in my treatment center? Thanks!

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French Green Clay and Rhassoul clay will work wonders for a wrap w/bandages.

If you can soak your bandages over night for maximum saturation.

French Green Clay is excellent for detoxification and the Rhassoul will tighten and tone. You can incorporate essential oils but a basic recipe is:

Recipe: 2 tablespoons French Green Clay and 2 tablespoons Rhassoul Clay mix with water and submerge your bandages in your liquid for up to 24 hours. Heat the bandages in a roaster 200 degree for 20 minutes and wrap away. Just make sure the bandages are not scalding.

I have a steamy wonder that my clients lay in with their bandages which facilitates sweating. IF you have a sauna you could have the guest sit in their if not wrap them in blankets and keep them warm. Clients should not ever be left alone or in the wrap for longer than 30 minutes. And please do not make them exercise as this is too taxing on their body!

Here is an article I wrote on wraps:


Best of luck and happy wrapping!

Thank you for the valuable information!!!!!


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