Does anyone whom has tried more than one brand of Spray Tanning solution have any recommendations on a GREAT one to use?

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Hi Cimberly, I have been using VIP Premium blends, based on a recommendation on this forum. Everyone I have used it on has been very happy with the results. Personally, I like their "Speedy Tan" blend as that can be used on multiple skin types and you can self-adjust the level by washing it off anywhere from 2-6 hours post spray.


YES!!! VIp is the best!! 

Thank you both Katie & Shelia!! I will check them out! I was gifted an airbrush machine which I am thankful for. I whipped it out & began practicing with it last night. I watched a few Youtube tutorials & they were suggesting different things such as sticky feet so the solution doesn't get on the soles of their feet, etc. I probably should get trained so I can truly know what I'm doing. I just feel that a Rep is going to say that I need to get an abundance of items when in fact that may not be the case. Any thoughts or suggestions?

Instead of using sticky feet, I have my clients stand on a wet towel. It saves you money and keeps the solution from staining the feet b/c the sticky feet don't fully protect. If the bottom of their feet are wet, the solution can't stain. 

You also want to get barrier cream (not sure of the specific name). That goes on nails to protect staining but I also rub it on the inside of the hands, wrists, sides of feet and back of ankles. The solution can get drippy and this just helps from it getting where you don't want it.

Deodorant- Most places tell you this but just in case, some deodorants will leave the skin green if not removed properly before spray tanning. It's not all brands of deodorants but it is important that your client removes it completely tanning.

Hope that helps! Just some things I learned from doing this. :)

You are welcome Cimberly!

Did you get an airbrush, or an HVLP machine? (I ask because the small airbrushes used for makeup really won't work for body tanning.) If it's specifically for airbrush tanning & has a gun with a cup, it's probably an HVLP.

I got some sticky feet and they do work well. I'd just get the cheapest you can find, though, as really double sided tape on a foot-shaped piece of thin posterboard would do the trick. ;-) You could make sticky feet if you wanted to save money (if you have time, that is!). For barrier creme, I just use cheap hand lotion. I think I have Queen Helen cocoa butter lotion at the moment. It just reduces the amount of DHA that makes contact with skin. You'll want to apply it to any dry areas. I blot it a bit after the tan with a soft towel to get a good blend.

I would strongly recommend buying yourself a quart of training solution before you tan clients. This has no-DHA but has a guide color so you can see what you're doing. Simply spray & wash & repeat! I did this a number of times on my kids to get the feel of things. I also used some poster board to practice.

You will probably need a pop up tent (unless spraying in a wet room). You don't need to buy a special fan to vent, as a basic box fan and filters from Home Depot can be used. And, you only need that if you do a lot of tanning. I don't have one.

A few other items - gloves (you don't want to stain your hands), disposable undergarments, wet wipes to wipe your clients hands/feet after the service, handouts on before/after care, disposable hair nets (It will not stain hair, but it can be annoying if it's in your way and blonde hair can be colored). I have a couple of old towels for people to step on and a funnel to transfer solution from the gun back to the bottle. I've also got a buffing mitt that I picked up somewhere, as well as some tanning stickers that help you see color contrast when people tan in the buff. I sometimes give people a mini-maintenance kit with a tan (Artesian Tan, Norvell mini maintanance

If you call Thomas at VIP, he can help you pick a good starter package. You might want to get eye/nose protection as the FDA recommends it. But so far, no one I've tanned has insisted on this. I tell them not to inhale & to close their eyes!

Both Norvell & National Tanning Training Institute have decent online training with a certification. They're about $25. But really, youtube & lots of practice is the best way to learn.

Hope this is helpful!!

I use a towel for my clients to stand on inside my tent with one of those gel like kitchen mats underneath just so its more comfy to stand on.  I also do not use a barrier cream but starting out it's fine.  Definitely tell your clients no makeup, lotion or deoderant.  I have had people wipe off deoderant and it still turns green so avoid wearing all together if they can or have maybe some hot towels to wipe it off.  I use gloves and I also wipe their nails, hands and around the wrist area when I am done.  Tell clients to not touch their skin and just be careful when they sleep in it, if they sleep on their hand or arm, you could have spots.  I usually wake up with an orange spot on my hands when I sleep in it.  Lord knows what I am doing in my sleep.  LOL.  i really think VIP's customer service is AMAZING!  You can contact Michael as well.  Check out their facebook page as well and see what others say about their solution.  The solution tends to be cold so I have a small heating fan that I turn on while I am spraying them and I also have a floor lamp spot light type thing just for better lighting.

I learned by practicing numerous times on the same friend.  If you set your gun to where the solution just barely comes out, you will avoid overspraying and wasting product.  I use about 2.5 oz per about 3.5 depending on how big they are. 

Good luck, keep us posted.

@Kate, I am so excited that you went with the VIP!  I knew you would love it!!

I use Norvell.....i find it to be excellent and not streaky///orane-y at all!!!

Fantasy Tan is great. I've used it for over 6 years and have never had a complaint. It is pricey, but I love having piece of mind.

I have been spray tanning for 3 years and have used several different brands. I have found my clients love the solution Kahuna Melange through Artesian Tan. It has a wonderful color and my clients love it. It is a thicker solution so you will need to open up your sprayer a little more than normal. My sticky feet I order from Qosmedix and they cost .40 a pair....their prices are great!  Hope this helps.

Also I always tell all my clients to shave and exfoliate the day prior and no lotion day of. You can use regular body lotion to cover nail beds, knees, elbows and thicker skin on the back sides of feet.  Also another tip.....I will dust baby powder on my clients after they have dried. I simply pour some powder into a feather duster and dust away and this gets rid of the tackiness until they will knock the color of the tan down a notch but ultimately will not alter the color of the tan after it has cured and your client has showered.   


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