I am moving into my own office space, and am debating whether or not to offer spray tanning. I use only organic skincare, and found a couple of companies that have somewhat organic ingredients but am not sure if I should add it to my services...anyone spray tan?

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Sheila-I spoke with Thomas from VIP.  He was very helpful.  I'm looking at two rooms for rent in the same building.  One is $450 and one is $700.  The one for $700 is much nicer with plenty of room for a tent.  Do you think the spray tanning would make up for the difference in the rent?  I know there would be a lot of other factors involved but just wondering what your return on your investment has been.  What percentage of your client base wants a spray tan?  It seems working with women in their 40's and not being able to be in the sun after peels and such, seems like this may be a good alternative.

Is it easy to learn how to use the equipment?  What is the mess factor?  


I am selling my Norvell equipment and they offer organic, let me know if your interested

Hi Sandra, I've looked into Norvell, whats the pricing like? 

the pricing is pretty competitive, I really like their products.  I have alot of aftercare products I will throw in with the equipment.

I'm in the same boat... I'm just getting started with spray tanning but I have been researching Aviva... They have an organic solution.  Anyone try it yet?  They use no alcohol, no aloe, no mineral oils... Let me know what you think!

i have tried them and like them have them send u a few samples thats wht i did  


I am glad I found this post as I am looking to add Spray tanning to my studio. I have been looking at SJOLIE, has anyone used this brand? I am hoping that I will be able to get some great insight on what to order. Great post Teresa... good luck

I love my spray tanning machine, South Seas. It is definitely worth the investment, my clients love it and it is great money in a short time frame.

I've been spray tanning and I like it. At first, it was taking me 45 minutes to do it so it was very time efficient. I was going to get through the summer and then stop. After doing some reading and figuring out how to fine-tune things. It now takes me about 20 minutes to do a full body tan. 

A couple tips I learned- They have cream to put on nails (I'm blanking on the name) to keep them from staining. I also apply it to the palms of the hands, inside of the wrists, all around the sides of the feet and the back of the feet/ankles. 

Wet Towel- Place a wet bath towel that your client can stand on so the tan doesn't stain the bottom of their feet. 

I'm not sure if this is exactly what you were looking for but if you decide to do it, these tips might help. :)

I use Fake Bake and I'm really happy with their product but it's not organic.


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