Hi, I am a stay at home mom and am looking to get back in to Skin Care.  I do not own a salon or spa so I would love to do something on my own and by appointment only.  However, I do not know what is allowed and what is safe.  I was thinking of peel parties or going to client's homes to perform peels and facials but not exactly sure how that would all work out.  Does any one have any suggestions?  I really appreciate any feedback.  :)  Thank you!!

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I should also add that I have been trying out Image products.  Also, just got emails from skin script and osmosis.  Osmosis sounds great but I am afraid it is too expensive.  Love the prices of skin script (haven't tried though).  I have been using the Image wrinkle lift and have to say, besides a brightening I haven't seen any reduction in wrinkles.  In fact, I almost feel like in the past 5 months my wrinkles have gotten worse! They have some nice products but am not too thrilled with the overall line (wish I was, It has everything I am looking for!) Thanks again!


I cannot comment on another brand but I can say I wrote an article that is on this blog that you might very interesting. You'll need to search for it. ;) With that said...

If you have your license, insurance and a portable bed and phone number to the governing body within your state you have all you need to make an informed decision on what you can do and what you cannot do.

What I would do if I were you and seriously I really think it will help is to register on my site and take a look at some of the educational documents I have. The information will help you no matter what line you choose.

During any educational class I always start with this:  "Serene is not for everybody and everybody is not for Serene.  With that said I don't care if you buy Serene.  What I do care about is that the education you are about to receive helps you become better and more successful and with that I build trust with you and with trust you might consider Serene."

Help you if I can.

Marty Glenn


Thank you so much Mary! I will certainly check it out! :) Kathi

sorry *Marty*


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