I am starting my new job as an esti very soon. I am excited and nervous... Looking forward to samples that some very gracious ladies from this site are sending me to try out. And Hopefully I will be picking out my products within the next week. There are so many lines out there and can be a bit overwhelming for a newbie... But this forum has been awesome in all your wonderful advice!!! :-) thank you

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Oh that's so exciting!


Just be VERY careful...

there are some "very nice ladies" from a ton of MLM companies (non-professional) that will try to convince you to use their products.

BEFORE you agree to accept items, make sure you come here and check them out!

I have learned that for sure, Cindy... I was actually very surprised at the amount of women who actually use those type of products... And im not putting anybody down for their choices, but i paid for my eduducation to be a professional and im not going to use products on my clients that they could have went to a party and purchased... Its just my personal opinion and I would never want to hurt anyones feelings over it...
Natalie, thank you very much, it is very exciting and I cant wait to get started in my new career!! :-)


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