I am currently in an clinical skincare program.  I am about halfway through with 2 1/2 months to go.  I have a friend who owns a small massage therapy/skin care business.  She basically has a few rooms that she rents out to therapists.  My question is this, Should I go out and work someplace first, or try to make it on my own?  I am fortunate in that I have a supportive husband where I don't have to immediately have an income right away, although that would be nice.  There are places around here that are hiring new graduates like the chains Essentials, or Massage Envy.  I know I would have to be marketing myself and really putting myself out there either way. Advice please!! 



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Any luck on your decision? I'd like to hear someone's input on your question!

Hi Jennifer,


I just recently graduated from an esthetic school in Mesa, Arizona and I was struggling with this same thing myself.  I will give you a little background about myself first.  I work 40 hours a week and went to aesthetic school for a career change because my ultimate goal is to be able to work for myself.  I decided that since my goal is to work for myself, I was going to start off that same way.  A friend of mine owns a gym that has a room in it that he rents to me for esthetics.  I think overall, I ended up spending close to $2000 to get everything I needed to start.  This includes but not limited to the bed, steamer, mag lamp, products, supplies, facial gowns, headbands, towels, sheets, and the list goes on.  I have kept my full time job and I am building up my clientele by doing esthetics 1 full day during the week ( I work 4 10 hour days at my full time), every evening and weekends being available to my clients.  So I basically open myself up to doing aesthetics anytime I am not at my full time job.  I just started this May 1st and I have had about 4 appointsment per week total and grossed about $500.  So I am still not actually making any money yet but I am starting to earn back the money that I put into everything.  I am happy with the choice I have made since I am still able to maintain my lifestyle and I work for myself in my aesthetic business which was really important to me.  I hope this helps!! Please contact me if you have any questions :)

Thank you for your reply! I am taking it day by day at this point.  I will keep you all posted! Thanks so much...

It really depends on your skill level and drive to succeed. I personally think it's probably better to cut your teeth working for someone. That way you can learn a lot about how the industry works and what it's like to actually work in the field and go out on your own once you have some real experience. Though if you feel ready and are eager to take on the challenges and responsibilities associated with going out on your own then you should!

I started for a place where I could get the training and education I needed to learn and succeed, then moved on to the type of spa I really wanted to work for, and it's been great.  The 1st place I never would have wanted to make my career there, but it was a great stepping stone and taught me alot. 

I would like your opinion on this....I have a job offer...$15/hr plus 10% commission on services, 10% on retail and I have to turn in my tips to be taxed on my check. Does that sound like a good deal...??

It does to me!  I started out at $10 with no commission and I had to turn my tips in for taxes as well.  I would take that in a heartbeat to get experience and training.


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