Hi All!

I am an esthetician in California and I am putting together a study group for NCEA certification. 

NCEA Certified is the professional status awarded to a skin care professional that has met the competency standards as set-forth by NCEA's 1200 Hour Esthetician Job Task Analysis. It represents the highest skin care credential available in the United States and adherence to the code of ethics of the profession.

Anyway, if there is any one that wants to join us so that they can get on the MASTER ESTHETICIAN band wagon, let me know.  :) It will be a study group not a class so we will all be in this together!

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I am very interested in this group, as a licensed esty with 600 hours and my own day spa would you suggest I look at the NCEA's site . My goal is to become a Master Esty.


Hi Rosemarie,

I wish you lived closer!!!!! Click on this link and check it out. http://www.nceacertified.tv/

The first thing you have to do is get the training manual. We can start from the beginning. We can work something out over the internet so that we can discuss each chapter. So far there is 7 of us in California and there is a few more from around the states. I know we can all do it! I am so up for it.


Wonderful thank you and I am very saavy with Skype or Tango video conferencing. Not blow my own horn to much but my school didn't teach much I worked hard, studied harder and had to make the instructor do the practical so I am a quick study ;-0 highly motivated. I look forward to learning more, I travel to the International Esthetics and Spa Cosmetic Conf. and other shows, participate in the A.S.C.P. webinars, love learning!

Hi Rosemarie,

I need your help with the video conferencing for our group. At first, I thought we could physically meet but the group is kind of geographically challenged! Is there a way we cn make it work with video conferencing? It looks like there is going to be around 9 of us.


Honestly not sure I will be in on this group. I am uncertain of what I would gain (cost/benefit ratio) from the accreditation here in the rural suburbs, lol. However, I want to help the other esty's like me who aren't in beautiful California to video conference.  

So here is what you need https://support.google.com/hangouts/answer/3115553?hl=en

Each participant will need a google email account to participate, the directions are pretty simple and will allow up to 15 people in the video conference. I am available to help anyway I can if you have questions. I use this service when traveling and it works great! I would stipulate that a strong internet signal is required and that everyone have a quite room without background noise (ie., crying babies, traffic, televisions, neglected spouses) which can greatly hamper the overall effectiveness of the communication necessary. I worked as a federal information officer for five years and can't tell you how many times everyone on a conference call was made to suffer those who didn't know how to mute or work in a quiet room. 

So good luck and keep me posted here in the country ;-) btw, I am looking to relocate if anyone is privy to a quality business looking for a great esty with a passion, please let me know!

Hi Melanie,

If you are going to the IECS Vegas this year, let me know. I will have a booth there! It is going to be my first show, all on my own for 2B Bio Beauty. :0 If you would like, I can send you a discount code for the registration. 

Also, I sent you a response last night for your help in the webinar video conferencing area for our group. If you can, maybe you can call me so we can set something up because I really want this group to work for all of us!

408 469-6880

Hope to hear from you soon,


I would like to join the group. May I have your contact information?

Hi Melanie,

Here is my contact info:

Jennifer Rosenblum


408 469-6880

Also, if you know of anyone else interested let them know. I think the more experience and variety of people will make the group perfect!

Hi Jennifer,

Im in Huntington Beach, CA. Just wonder where are you located?

Hi Jennifer,

If you're in HB, we can get together to join the study group with Jennifer Rosenblum if you like or just meet so we can get to know each other.

Anyone in SD?

Hi Marylyne,

Sorry, I missed this post. I am in Northern California. I would totally like to meet in person with the study group and I don't mind traveling but I am not sure about everyone else. I have 5 people over here that want to do the study group but there is also people outside of this area and in other states so I thought we might be able to video conference and maybe we could all get together for the last study group and then take the test. What do you think?


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