I live in the New Orleans area and am in the process of relocating to Houston.  I have already sent my credentials to TDLR for esthetician reciprocity and should be receiving my license in the mail soon. 

I was wondering....

How does one go about obtaining their esthetician instructor license?  I checked out TDLR's website and it was unclear to me whether or not you have to go back to school or not.  Can anyone from Texas help me out?  Thanks in advance. :)

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I am a licensed esthetician and instructor in the state of Texas.  They do require that you return to school and get a separate license for instructing. When I got my instructor's license, if you had more then 5yrs of experience you were only required to do 250 additional hours for your instructor license but I think it has since been changed and now is 500 hours with 1year of experience under your belt. If you don't have at least 1 year of experience then it is a 750 hour course.

Good Luck


Thanks for the reply. :)

Are there any schools that will potentially hire you to teach but train you first? 

I received my instructor's license from Paul Mitchell in Dallas and then taught there so they do look for their potential pick of instructor's from their students.


Oh, cool.  Did they offer you tuition reimbursement or assistance?

They didn't offer any tuition reimbursement but they do offer assistance through student loans.

Thanks so much for the info, Jacquelyn.  I just got my Texas license in the mail today and am super excited about the future and will further look into becoming an instructor. :)


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