I just had a wonderful meeting with the Pevonia Rep and was wondering who is using the line and who has used it.  Any thoughts, likes, dislikes?  I am looking to transition from Glotherapeutics because I feel I am not getting the support that I need when it comes to rep involvement, sample availability, and education.  I of course love the Skin Script line but keepuing my options open for what else is out there.  I like the idea of Pevonia because of the naturalness of the line and using organic ingredients when they can.  I am not looking for an organic line necessarily but the area I am in (there is an Organic and Gluten free Cafe) I feel I would attract more clients offering at least one organic facial and some retail. Other suggestions are welcome!!  I have a ton of backbar and retail of course but I have thought about selling it.  Glo's shipping kills me, $no less than $20 at a time (unfortunately for me though I love their makeup so I will either have to buy on ebay or from them direct, depending on which is less, sadly).  I like that Pevonia has a ton of products not just for hte face but body as well and really nice kits (but the amount to choose from can also be overwhelming) so any feedback would be awesome. 

As always thank you!!!

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thank you for the fedex account shipping tip, to save money.

I use Pevonia, I started my training in school with this product and have never changed. As a student, I found each skincare line very easy to use and follow.  I found the product to be very "client friendly" because when you communicate to  clients with phrases like pineapple and papaya enzyme or lavender cooling mask, they seems to enjoy that natural connection with the ingredients and how they work.  The ingredients smell wonderful and the client is familiar with aromas like the grapefruit cleanser or green apple mask for example. The pevonia product manual is also very informative and easy to read when you need to refer to it too.  I just plain fell in love with the product and the results. The company spends a substantial amount of money in advertising and the high end spas use it, which is a huge selling point.  ( oh, and the American Spa Magazine, has at least one main featured ads besides Eminence as the organic winners) Recently, Cosmopro stores are carrying Timeless by Pevonia, no minimum requirement purchase limit or shipping cost, just pick it up at the store.   An excellent opportunity to try this product without a commitment.


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