Found this on my newsfeed, BioElements did a poll and here is what came up!  I figured we could all learn from this!

Spa-goers Facial Treatment Pet Peeves:

20. When the esthetician leaves the room during the treatmen

19. Too much talking

18. Background noise: slamming doors, cabinets, and outside noise like car horns, etc.

17. Too much pressure, or not enough pressure

16. Towels with fabric softener

15. Selling product during the facial

14. Painful extractions

13. Skin care professionals chewing gum

12. Product left behind on the jaw or hairline

11. A choppy massage that doesn’t flow from one motion to the next

10. Estheticians who smell like cigarettes

9. Strong perfume

8. Estheticians with stinky hands

7. Sloppy application of product

6. When the product is too cold

5. Estheticians with long, rough, or hangnails

4. Movements too close to the ears – example: wiping product on the towel right next to the ears.

3. Estheticians with loud, hurried or heaving breathing

2. No warning before touching the face

1. “My pet peeve is… I hate it when the facial is finished!”

Skin care professionals: Are you guilty of any of these facial faux pas? Take note for your next treatment so both you and your client can have the best experience possible.

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No. 20 gets me. Girls used to do this at school a lot. My I instructor used to ask me what I was doing just standing there.

Well, I don't think that "just standing there" is recommended either...  I try to maintain contact and flow, but there are certain points when something is resting on the face where I will do a little bit of quiet tidying of my station.

That's funny Christine because I HATE it when i'm getting a facial and the esthetician is all moving around. It completely invokes the fight or flight response in me, especially if I have stuff over my eyes. LOL  I don't just STAND there! I do sit on my stool and most of the time I pray (I'm a devout Christian) for my clients, especially if they have something going on.  Usually my clients are totally asleep during this time. I have had a few ladies ask me how can I be so quiet and I politely tell them that this time is all about them and I'm here to serve them and their needs.

#20 is my main pet peeve as a client.  When the mask is on, I want a hand massage, a scalp massage, a shoulder massage, something!  I don't want to lie alone in a dark room wondering if/when someone is coming back, listening to them talk outside the treatment room about their weekend, husband, kids, etc.  I've had 2 facials like that, they were awful!

Movements too close to the ears. I'm definitely guilty of that one. I get all up in the ears cleaning them out, massaging, wiping, etc. I never thought clients might not like that.

The other is no warning before touching. I need to get better at that. Any advise? I could press on the temples but its sooo boring!!

I always start a nd end in the same place a certain and put my hand on their shoulder. Touch is very emotional so I try to ease into it.

I agree!  That's funny to me - I feel like an esthetician should get it all out of there too!  Even down to extractions...  I mean, it's not like a client is going to notice or be able to do anything about them on their own!

And some of them really need it!

warm your hands first with one of your hot towels from the cabbie (if you use that) it always seems to take the chill out of my always cold hands. :)

I always touch the sides of their head (where the headband is) before moving down to the face.  Even resting your wrist there before using a brush for masks helps.  The sensation that your hand is present is usually enough to keep the client from jumping.

Number six drives me up a wall!

Interestingly, while I generally don't like cold stuff on me, I do very well as long as it is gently announced to me that a cooling product will be applied.  Do you think you'd feel differently if this were the case?


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