Hi All,
When I first started my business, I always had the client change into a spa wrap and I would put her under the blankets on my bed. Then I saw a colleague who just put the clients on top to of the bedding, didn't have them change and would just place a blanket on top of the client. She would then change the towel that they laid their head on. So tired of doing laundry every single night I adopted this way and LOVED it! It cut my laundry in half, but I'm curious to know what others are doing??
I look forward to hearing others ways...Thanks! :)
How do you do decollete treatments, or shoulder massage when the client doesn't take their top off?
I make the bed similar to the way a massage therapist would, I think. bottom blanket/fitted sheet, sheet, top comforter type (that the client does not touch, therefore it is reused). I used to use spa wraps, then got annoyed with them and the amount of laundry I had to do. So now, I tell clients to undress to their comfort level. I explain that I usually do shoulder and neck massage (if they're getting a facial tx) and need access to their shoulder and decollete area to do so and if they choose to keep their bra on, to please pull the straps down to avoid their clothes getting soiled/wet.
Its been working much better, but yes, there is 2 sheets every client to wash, which is not so great. But, no spa wraps anymore, and those were harder to dry and took much longer.
I have them change into a spa wrap, so it exposes their shoulder and decollete. So you're saving on wraps and I'm saving on sheets ;)
I thought I was the only one who didn't have clients "get into bed under the covers"! 20 years ago I worked for an esty who put only a plush bath towel on the already soft cushiony 4-5" thick leather-like tufted facial chair. The client lies on the towel, and a thin flannel sheet goes over them (in summer they sometimes decline a 'cover', or I use an even thinner flannel sheet, since I have 2 kinds), a handtowel over their shoulders. I still have to wash bathtowel & flannel sheet, but it has always seemed less complicated that "getting into bed" under all those covers. I have never ever had a client who commented about it. As for wraps, I just bought some microfiber 'deluxe' wraps from Hollywood Face Inc. Until now, I had some lighter weight cotton fabric smocks that a relative sewed using elastic in a 'casing' at the top, just adding the side seams. That fabric lasted, didn't wear out at all after many years, only got a bit softer--and still looks good! I just replaced towels, but will be returning them to store (tags still on) because I got JCPenney 'quick-dry' ones, & have decided they may not last well, and they do not feel 'plush' enough. JCPenney regular towels last very very well, better than any kind.
Oh, one more thing. I only put the top 'cover' on the client getting a facial service; not for face waxing, lash dyes, shorter services. Unless of course, they are chilly and ask for it, but that's rare. Its the way I've always done it. How do others, who have all the 'layered bedding', handle just a short brow wax, for instance? Actually, I've always wondered! Because I really thought everyone but me did the 'get into bed' thing!
For facials, I don't use spa wraps at all - why bother? - but do tuck them in between sheets.
For express facials, or for people who don't like all the covers (like guys), on top of a sheet and I place a large towel over them, no blanket I still want their top off because I do the neck and decolette plus I don't want clothing to get wet or stained.
Using same blanket on everyone without a sheet between isn't quite as sanitary and fresh as I would like for myself or clients. But if they keep all their clothes on I guess it isnt too icky.
I am an esty as well as a massage therapist. I never have my clients get into a spa wrap. For waxing, I place a towel (or towels) over my "already made" massage table. As far as facials go, I have them undress to whatever they are comfortable in and have them get into the sheets and have a light blanket on top of sheets as well. This keeps them nice and cozy during the facial. I always let them know that I will be massaging their neck, shoulders, arms, and feet during the facial so for them to at least take off their top and socks. This seems to work nicely. :)
I guess the smock or wrap allows for a little more modesty for those with body issues, but I hope that switching my thinner cotton fabric smocks to my new thicker, though light weight, soft microfiber velvety feeling 'wraps' is not going to be something I regret due to wash duties! Washing is a NEVER-ENDING PAIN, isn't it? That's why I'd thought I'd try the 'quick-dry' towels, to cut down on dry time, but now have decided to return for more plush ones. So, my washing will be expanded, with the new wraps, not cut down!!!! Maybe I should do the fitted sheet only, not the towel? Anyone have a way to save wash costs? A good bulk buy on detergent, maybe?
CINDY, do you have ONLY the one thin sheet under your client, directly over the facial bed cushion? It doesn't feel very warm on the leather-like white vinyl of my facial bed. Maybe I should consider the sheet over a fitted terry sheet made for facial beds, and abandon the one towel I've had them lie on? Maybe what I do is NOT the simpler way, as towels are quite bulky to wash. Must decide ASAP! I have ONE week till I start a new room rental at hair salon! Return all the towels, buy alot of facial bed fitted sheets? Suggestions?
Gloria - a sheet on top of everything.
I am also a massage therapist and my table is always made up with pad, heater, contour sheet to protect the pad, two flat sheets (I have client between these), and cotton blanket. The pillow or bolster is under both the flat sheets.
so if I have waxing client or non-cover preferring client, I just toss a flat sheet on top - usually a flannel one. I think people like a padded feel to the table or facial bed, even when they don't want to get under sheets, they want to feel pampered and comfy.
Try a couple different ways and just do whatever works best for you. Don't buy anything else just yet - go with what you have for now and see how it works for you.
I didn't see the point in using wraps since I use the sheets, and thought that it just added to my laundry load. Hand towels are no problem, but yeah, the full size towels can be pretty bulky. But if its between your clients comfort and your laundry load, go for the client!
Seriously though - try your facial bed out yourself to make sure it feels nice, if you like it they probably will too!
Cindy, thanks alot for your input. I've really wondered about this very ques. (Thanks, Lori.) I have a padded massage table I use only for body waxing, since it is at a higher level,allows me to not be changing the level of my facial bed all the time, pumping with my foot; and it is pretty firm, actually that's better for waxing than soft. But my facial chair is pretty soft cushiony already, maybe 5" cushiony base. I'd bought new stuff bec the hair salon I'm going to do room rental at has completely different color scheme, so I had to replace some things. But the "quick-dry" towels, tho soft, I'm afraid are not gonna last & i will return them. Where do you get your flannel sheets, Cindy? I could put fitted facial bed sheet OVER the terrycloth fitted sheet I have (sized for facial bed), & change for ea client, which may be less to wash than a bath towel...not sure...So good to hear others' thoughts on this. You're right; though I don't like doing all the laundry, client's comfort is most important. But don't you sometimes feel you're washing alot of already 'clean' laundry?
I'm both MT and esty as well, so my table has an egg crate, heated mat. pad, another mat. pad and contour sheet, if all I'm doing is a wax service then that's all, for body waxing some want a wrap and I have them available then put paper down in area I'm waxing. If it's a facial and/or massage then I add the top sheet and blanket depending on the room temp. I always reset my table with just the contour, so I'll be ready for any service and I hate refolding sheets. The salon were I rent a room has gone to coin-op laundry, so I have taken my flannel sheets to the house and using just reg. cotton sheets. I buy reg. twin size for more coverage over padding as well as larger clients, they massage sheet sets just aren't quite wide enough. If massage sheets are ok with you, often Massage Warehouse has them on sale for 13.00 or so a set/flannel. I bought some flannel at Anna's Linens last winter but colors were different in the package, 2 or 3 different colors between the top, fitted and pillowcase. but they were only $10.00, and the bleach ended up getting them pretty close.
COIN-OP Laundry? Oh, wow. They didn't want to carry any expense for that, huh? Bet that went over well.
Ya, real well!
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