Am I the only esthetician who absolutely HATES waxing?  I know it's part of the license, but it's not why I went to school.  I really want to spend my time specializing in Anti-Aging and microcurrent.  Everytime I have a wax in my book, I cringe.  Just wondered if others feel or felt like I do, and if so, if and how you got past it.  

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Haha! It's not my favorite. I don't really do Brazilians b/c I'm not that confident. I've had extra training too (one-on-one) and I am still hesitant. I don't care about everything else b/c I feel confident but it can be time-consuming and my back hurts after. Do you think maybe that is why you don't like it? Do you not feel confident? Just a thought. :)

Facials are my absolute favorite and if I could build my business around just doing that, I would. In fact, that really is my long-term plan.

I don't feel confident at all.  And I just don't like doing it.  Eyebrows, lips, chin, fine.  Even Bikini is OK.  But back waxes, legs, brazillian, not my thing at all.  We got 1 training session where we were shown brazillian, then practiced on a model we provided.  I then had my 1st paying client, who never had waxing before, and had more hair than I ever saw on anyone and I think it was as traumatizing to me as it was painful for her.  And I just personally find it 'gross' for lack of a better word.   Legs and back just seem to take forever and I never seem to be able to get every hair out, and that bothers me.  I want them to look and feel perfect.  I know I need to keep doing it to make any money, but honestly, I'd love to open an anti-aging clinic of my own someday and just make people look and feel better. 

Why don't you practice on family for now? Just while you need to do this for money. I am the same as you. They must leave my room completely hair-free. I actually made myself a little crazy with one client when I was doing a leg wax. It took longer than I expected and the temp in my room was messing with the wax, etc. Everything seemed to go wrong that day. I stressed about it for a week and talked to my mentor about it. Told her everything that happened and she said I was over-reacting (to make a long story short). Turns out the client was very happy, sent her daughter to me and is now a regular client who also bought 3 gift certificates from me during the holidays. 

Don't do Brazilians if they gross you out. That's ok. This might be a great way for you to get those clients during your slow times, build a larger clientele and get that Anti-Aging Clinic you want!

Right now I don't have a choice in the Brazillian thing.  If we change to IC's, then I will remove it from my menu, but as of now, I'm an employee and have to do what is on the menu.  I don't have anyone but 1 friend who wants waxing, and she comes regularly, so can't really practice. It's not just the confidence or lack thereof, I just feel it's 'wasting' my time, if that makes any sense.  I only have 10-12 hours open a week at the spa, and would prefer to do skin care during those times.   

I wouldn't worry too much about cringing with the whole waxing thing.  I am sure there are lots of people in every industry that really dislike some part of their job.  That's normal.  Accepting it and being ok with it is a good thing.  Nothing worse than somebody who claims to LOVE everything about their job (when you know they are lying through their teeth)  Lots of people don't like waxing.  I was one of them.  Now I teach it! hahha.   I prefer to teach it rather than do it on clients.  My passion is to teach and once i accepted that i prefer to teach than to see  Mrs Brown walking in off the street with a hairy bush, I was happy!  :)   Keep with your dream of opening up an anti-aging clinic and focus on what you do want and let me know when you open your doors so I can come get a serious anti-aging facial! :)

Thank you.   It's nice to hear I'm not the only one in this boat.  

I, too dislike waxing.  But I look at it like this.  $$$$$$$$$...  LOL.  It's good cash money in my pocket.  And great repeat business.  Hair grows back. 


I despise it. It stresses me out so I decided not to do it. I opened my own skin and massage studio in April and only put facials, peels & massage on the menu. I had quite a bit of requests for waxing so I recently added "Wednesday Waxday" and hired an Esty to come in and do waxing all day long.

Great idea!  I'll have to remember that if I open my own spa someday.


Its time for a news years resolution...Be your own boss!

Make a plan and look toward getting out of hourly if you are and get to renting so you can pick your clients.  If you are then maybe the traffic and clients are more waxing based.  Thats ok but start really reading about the skin care products and education that you can talk with clients about and get them interested in anti-aging.  Just because a client comes in for wax does not mean that you cant talk about the skin.

There are pre and post peel waxing products that could lead to talks about the skin on other parts of the body.  Remember skin is skin.  Its only the thickness and location that really matters.

I'm in your camp and I don't do waxing other then for special clients and its all above the chin.  

Write that goal to be your own boss and make a few steps and follow through as best you can and I am sure like me it will happen.


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