Seems this is my week of issues.  Had a client that I did microderm on.  She has been really red since and had streaks on her chin where you can see blood spots under the skin!  This has never happened to me before and I guess it was from too much suction?  She isn't on daily aspirin or anything like that.  I guess I was too aggressive.  She said it was fine doesn't hurt but I feel terrible.  Then had another client that did not get any peeling from her peel but had some breakouts which I know happens.  I just feel bad like I failed somehow! 

I know these things are bound to happend has anyone had weeks like that?  I have always had happy clients so .. :(

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Awww....Angela, be of good cheer. I believe we all can say we've had at least one mishap....I know I have. We are always learning and growing. The bright side is you are a success at what you do and you've proven that in your skill and to your clients. I found alot of the time there are many variables to consider with the skin. It's such an interesting organ to learn about. Dust it off and have yourself a great week! 


My first question would be if she had microdrm prior to this and if so did she have any issues.  I have found that not everyone is a good candidate for microderm and that some people are to sensitive even on the lightest settings.  Just be relieved that it was not worse. I recently had a client turn up with post inflammatory hyper pigmentation and two months later she is almost recovered.  I would recommend she does not use any anti age products or anything containing any acids for two months and she should be using products for sensitive skin to help her heal quickly.  That being said sometimes even when you do everything right and follow all protocols clients may have adverse reactions to micorderm, peels, and sometimes even extractions.  Don't be down on yourself :)  P.S. Not everyone peels from a peel and purging as well as sensitive skin breakouts are known to happen from peel treatments.


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