What do you do when a client wants to have a friend with them while they get waxed?

I've had a couple of clients want to bring someone with them into the wax room. Sometimes they have two people they want to bring? What are the pros and cons?

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Sometimes they do this for company or fun but I recently had one that did this so friend could learn technique so they could do each other cheaper. She didn't mention this until I was almost done. Luckily I didnt explain things as I did them. I found this insulting. They asked where they could get the wax for cheap. Then had the nerve to ask if I could go to the beauty supply with them so they could get some for their friend to do them. Not!!!!

Was going to say just what @Jamie said.  Some people have ulterior motives and the so called 'friend' can also be an Esthetician that wants to learn your technique.  It is not exactly disastrous that people want to learn what you do (as it can be a compliment) but ulterior motives is what peeves me.  It is also a distraction.    I am a waxing author and hear this one.......   I received an email a few weeks ago from a couple that found my book on line and asked me if I could give the husband a Brazilian and do some domineering sexual role play whilst I waxed him as his wife watched!!  LOL!!  Some people seriously!    I declined btw!!  lol       I still laugh about it 

Claire I never though of it that way, what a good way to look at it. 

after a horrible experience with a lady bringing in her infant and breast feeding it while I did a brazilian I made a new rule, no one but client in the room.

Many many years ago a client (who is a hairstylist) asked if her husband could come in the room. She was scheduled for a brow wax and bikini wax.  No biggie she said because he was in the delivery room when she was pushing out the offspring.  Being that I was a 2nd year Esthy and felt a bit intimidated by the 10 yr. hairstylist I reluctantly said ok.  As I was doing the bikini wax, her husband scooted my hydraulic chair close for his "birds eye" view of her bikini area and pointed his finger to her hairline and said, "Are you going to wax this?" Then asked me if I did men's bikini (don't know the word for the mans area) and I immediately said, "No!" When I wrapped up the bikini wax and moved on to her brows the scooted his chair way back against the wall and looked bored. Needless to say after they left I felt grossed out and like I was a part of some couples weird little pre porn party!!  I told myself NEVER AGAIN!! EEEEWWW!!!

I never allow anyone but the client, I had a client bring her grandaughter with her one day and the child was videoing the service ( I thought she was playing a game on the phone) .I made her delete it before she left the room

I had a girl come in for an arm wax.  Her boyfriend insisted on coming back with her.  They spoke English, but also another language, I believe Ukranian.  They spoke to each other in their language, and he proceeded to tell me he could see her very faint, blond hair on her arms when the sun hit it, and wanted every tiny little hair removed from shoulder to wrist. Well an hour later, I was exhausted from waxing her arms and he's standing inches from her, examining her arms and pointing to almost invisible hairs and insisting I tweeze them if I couldn't wax over the area again.  I think they sensed my frustration, as when they called to reschedule and no one else was available but me, they didn't book.  It was so intimidating, I will never allow it again. 

I have had just a couple who wanted their partner/spouse in the room.  Usually no big deal to me. I tell them where they can sit or stand and I run the show.  I knew one of them was probably there for a bit of a thrill and let them know that if he wanted to be in the room next time the Brazilian was $55 and watching and getting a thrill out of it cost much more.  They laughed it off and she remained a client for quite some time longer.  No big deal.

I usually do not allow children in the room with intimate waxing and discourage children in my facility as much as possible.


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