After seeing Tabatha Potter's post and pics of her treatment room, it made me curious to see all of you wonderful Estheticians treatment room.  Here is some pics of my "home away from home!" It was fun to build out and design my space!!

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Great!  I did buy them in Feb so hopefully they will have them.  Keep me posted!

Love the pics!  If you are interested I can post a pic of your place to my Pinterest board with a link for your business to it!??  Let me know.   I only 'pin' people's pics with their permission for this board.   Click on the link below to see.  I try to collect pics from all over the world of treatment rooms.  Just let me know girls....

click here to see the board/pics

Feel free to put them on there.  Thanks Claire!  I will have a new room soon and will post those too. 

Sheila it is now on there....BUT can you send me your website link so I can attach it to the picture.  Remember the more clicks the pic gets, the more exposure your website gets.

Everyone's rooms are so nice ! Here are a few pics of my room. It's very small because I also have a far Infrared sauna in there, but I try to make it comfortable and cozy. I think the pictures might be sideways....i couldn't figure out how to rotate it when I was uploading.


very nice!! I love that little saying on the wall too!

Thanks  Sheila !

Beautiful! I love the comforter!

Thank you Keri !


Very nice where is the sauna


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