Everyone has had an inspirational story working with our clients. What is the best feedback that you ever received from a client? Your story may be featured in a special project I am working on. Let's get the word out about how great our profession is.

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I had a spa owner that was also a massage therapist come from Ca. For a facial when everything was done she told me that I was heart healing. Diana S.

I have a client that comes in every month for Microderm, she wanted to come in for a spa facial between visits to see what it was like. When I was done she said I had Magic Fingers :-). I am new to this I just Graduated in Dec. In school my teacher told me I was a natural. I gave my Mother in law a facial two weeks ago and she told me that I was so good it seemed I had been doing massage for 15 yrs.

The Best feedback was I have a client that is 94 yrs young. She had been going to a dermatologist and they were doing laser on her face that was burning her skin had many red spot . I have given her 8 facials now and her skin looks amazing red spots gone and her skin is hydrated now . With doing a zyme peels and vit C masks and sunscreen her face is ten years younger. My client no longer sees the dermatologist , she says that i have done more for her than any doctor :)

About 3 months ago I did a facial on a lady. She was older, late 50's early 60's. I noticed she had some moles on her face decollete and left arm. I asked her about it. She said she didnt know if they were suspicious or not and I told her that my opinion was that they were. I explained why I thought they were. She went the next week, Dr began to take them off her face. The one on her chest was a different visit. The left arm was a surgery. All melanomas.  Surgeon thinks he got all of the roots and such. She told me "That was a good call!"  Made me feel really glad to help her! 

One of my first clients who is now booking monthly told my manager I have hands of an ANGEL! This made me feel so grateful for what I am now doing! My second career.

I have been providing skin care for a while now so I have had a lot of great feedback over the years.  So, I will share my very first.  While still in beauty college, the principle of the school asked me to do a facial on someone that she personally knew.  (Turns out he was the head of the local Cosmetology Association for our area.)  When I completed my facial he said to me:  'That was a wonderful facial.  Your touch reminds me of when my mother would nuture me as a child.'  Never forgot this compliment and I never will....


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