I'm waiting for my ultrasonic. How do you use yours in your spa?

In every facial (when indicated)?

Just randomly in facials when a client could use the benefits?

A stand alone ultrasonic facial that you charge extra for?

Help! Thanks :)




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I use it in very facial. Maybe not a profitable way to use it but I think that is something that sets me apart from the Esthetician next door. I have often been told that I seem to be more thorough than other Estheticians. I love this tool and I think everyone can benefit from it so I have to use it. :)

I use it if I feel a client needs a boost in the exfoliation step.  I don't charge for it, nor do I always use it.  I need to start using it to penetrate serums prior to masking, but seem to always forget about that. 

I love mine! You will too. I use it with most clients and they like it too. I like Jodi forget about using it with serums :((. But I have a ultrasonic wand I use for that. I have talked with Shelly Hancock about hers and she has those on her website to. It really makes the job easier I think.

I use mine twice - w/ exfoliation and then again to penetrate serums and/or masks. I love my clients, and want to do it for free. But...I feel, I should charge. Once I explain what it does and how it benefits their skin, it makes complete sense to them (and me) as to why I'm charging an add-on price. 

I love mine.  I use it in the cleansing stage (2nd cleanse) for those who have a lot of congestion to help start to break up some of that congestion.  Mine also has pos and neg ionization which I can then use for desincrustation before extractions and to help force in some good products like serums and complexes, so really, unless the client has a contraindication for it, you can use it in all of your facials.  

Awesome responses! Anyone use it with acne?

I use it on mild to moderate acne.  If there are a ton of open lesions or really red and inflamed closed ones, I find that High Frequency and Blue Light are far better options than the ultrasonic blade since they kill the bacteria and help heal the skin rather than using sonic frequency to break up dirt and oil - in this case it will also spread the bacteria.  


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