Good afternoon everyone, I'm new to the forum. Stumbled on it 4 o clock this morning while researching things. Here's the delima.  I've been licensed for almost a year , and decided to start my business right out of school. I know not a real good decisions. I used to pay booth rent at a spa, until the owner closed it down due to an eviction. It was in a prime location in Buckhead ( located in Atlanta ).  I guess my biggest question is what am I doing wrong. I've created flyers with vista print,  created a website and also I started a blog . Below are the flyers I made for Christmas. The products I've used  on my family, friends and clients  are IMAGE ( the backbar line is limited) , PCA skin, script rx, and Rhonda Allison. I must say I love their chemical peels for PCA skin. I really have a passion for chemical peels.  For some reason I couldn't fall in love PCA line.  I don't know if I'm not giving the lines a chance, or what. I wasn't a big fan of Skin script rx, simply because I tried one of their enzymes, and don't know if it was me, but on the right side of my cheek caused a breakout. Which I never experienced before.  I usally don't try skincare lines on my own face, but I will say I regret I did. I currently ordered the Rhonda Allison " Hibiscus Facial" series from her, and about to give it a try. The one thing I love about PCA, and IMAGE, and maybe Skin Script, was there isn't a opening order. Rhonda Allison requires a 1,500 opening order. That would've been good a year ago when I invested 987 dllrs in PCA.  I guess I need a little direction.  Where to start, and what am I doing wrong. I live in a city where over 5 million ppl.

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Lol two swollen eyes. I applaud you because after.the swollen eyes I would be skeptical. I think what im goong to do is take the time and review each line. Put one family memer on pca, one on image, one on skin script, and another on rhonda allison. Then go from there. I.would say rhonda allison would be one of the picks because of the education and all the videos she have, but the opening order is the only obsticle. Not willing to invest 1,500 until I'm sure.thats who I'm going with. The averge cost for the mini kits are 70 dllrs, unlike pca which is 40 at the most ( after markup). I will keep you all posted

Please do :)  Best wishes !

Yes, testing products is SO HARD, especially when you are trying more than one thing.  I feel what you are going through right now.  I try to be systematic about it and only test a few new products at a time, and make notes of what I used, when, and what the results were, but it's impossible to be entirely systematic unless you only added one product at a time to your regimen.  Even then, you would have to have a baseline routine that you returned to for a week or more in between testing products.  Bottom line, it is hard and it takes a long time, and it's great if you can recruit others to help you test things before making a huge investment.  RA and other lines that have a large minimum order - I respect them using that strategy to keep the line professional; at the same time, I find it difficult to overcome that hurdle, too (and I am 5 years in business with 3 other estheticians working under me).  So if those lines are out of your range right now, don't beat yourself up, just keep working on testing the lines that you know will be accessible to your level of business and your clients' budgets.  All of the lines you mention are well respected and effective skincare lines - the hard work comes with matching your clientele to the right products from those lines so that you don't have things gather dust on the shelves.

As far as your location, where are you located now?  How is cross-traffic?  And if traffic is not good, do you think it would be possible to move back into the old shopping center, perhaps by renting a room in the botox clinic or the hair salon?  Buckhead is great and that sounds like a wonderful, visible position!

May also want to look @ iskyn pumpkin peel if you are loving the benefits of pumpkin :)

Is the pumpkin peel your only product?  It is the only one I am seeing on your site.

I want to also add that I've tried mixing PCA treatment with IMAGE Ormedics mask.. BAD choice. I took it upon myself one day to add Ormedics mask from IMAGE line to the PCA detox gel treatment, and my family member went from being fine, to a number 7 (on a scale from 1-10) within seconds. So after that I knew that PCA isn't a mix and match line. I've had another Esthetician tell me that others have told her that PCA is to strong, or they have had problems in their treatment room.  I've been very blessed to not have anyone that's been on fire, any reactions, or major horror story so far and I would hope I can keep it that way lol.

I have to say that the more you learn about ingredients, the safer and more confident you will be mixing and matching products.  For now maybe it is best to form your facials based on a product line's recommendations.  This way you can also pass along any liability to the manufacturer if there is a reaction, if you've used as directed.  However in the future, I believe it is possible for your ingredient knowledge to grow, and for you to be able to integrate products with good results based on their ingredients, rather than the marketing that goes with a product.  

I am not familiar with the Ormedics mask or its specific ingredients, but I learned early (via the Aveda Intensive Hydrating Masque at school) that some people do have very strong reactions to gel masks.  It seems counterintuitive because they are generally hydrating and mild, but sometimes the gel-forming ingredients (for example, in the Aveda product it is the Glyceryl Polyacrylate) can be irritants.  Sometimes it is the ingredient itself, sometimes it is the fact that some of those ingredients must be formulated at alkaline pH to retain their gel consistency, and the alkaline pH of the product may disrupt the acid mantle, especially if used in conjunction with a peel.  So these are the types of connections that you can make when you start looking up ingredients on a regular basis, looking up reviews, and experimenting cautiously.  It's also a good idea to get litmus paper and pH test any products that you are testing on your skin, and keep in mind that skin is healthiest when kept between the 4.5-5.5 pH range.  More and more important functions are being attributed to keratinocytes and the acid mantle with new studies, so I think keeping the barrier healthy is very important.

Perhaps listing your business in local hotels - lobby leaflets, advertising in the back of their room service menu, or things to do brochure.  Sounds like you have a few obstacles to overcome.  You should love love love the skin care choices you are offering in your treatment room- this insures that you are genuine and not just a salesperson.  Of course you should be able to use a different treatment line from the one you prefer for a skin care regimen.

Best Wishes:)

Thanks for the input, and I would look into that due to the Atlanta area having alot of hotels. I know I've looked into setting up in a private Hilton brand hotel, but that option is almost impossible. Thanks once again and I will def. look into that as a option.

YES the hotel thing is something I majorly need to do!

Hi Brittnee!

I never fell in love with PCA either. However their training was fabulous and using their peels and protocols did give me great experience and confidence. Lots of other people LOVE PCA...I figure they will survive if a few of us don't!

I love, love, love chemical peels - it's one thing that I am most apt to check out at trade shows!

I use most of the Skin Script line and have never had any problems with the enzymes or peels - curious as to which one didn't agree with you. Their layering system enzyme/peels is pretty versatile.

Unlike you, I DO try out ALL products on my own face. I like to know how it feels and what results are possible. My only problem is when it comes to the salicylic or other acne type peels - I learned to put a gel layer underneath to "soften" the intensity (I have used a collagen ampoule, a retinol gel, and an oxygen serum).

Image and Rhonda Allison are both fabulous lines. Why not put off the RA investment until you get yourself more established?.

Starting a business is not easy no matter how much experience you have.

You have great taste in product lines - I certainly don't think that is your problem.

You might want to consider taking on a part-time position somewhere for a short time to supplement your income if you need to.

And you may want to consider a carefully controlled Groupon or Living Social offer (I know a lot of people don't like doing this - but there are many ways of making this work FOR you).

It's good to see someone that love Chemical peels just as much as me. I discovered skin script by being up one night searching for a glycolic. After running across the bottle I noticed it was the same glycolic used in school. So I was pretty excited to know I found out what actually cleared up alot of my hyperpigmentation. I was currently using IMAGE home products as well to go with the treatments at school. When I placed my order with Skin Script I was really excited. I decided to try the Pomegrante enzyme, and I added glycolic to it. Bad choice. I asked myself did the enzyme just surface some impurities. The reason I say that on my right side of my face it looks as if I had a break out. After the breakout, I hyperpigmentated. So I personally felt as if I took a couple steps back with my skin.


 I made flyers for the Rhonda Allsion line , and right now stuck with it until I pass those out and use up the products I purchased from Rhonda Allsion (Hibiscus System)  due to the fact I invested 3 something into the line.  One thing I did notice about Rhonda Allison is there is a mens line called RAW and the RAW line have a chemical peel.

I ran a deal with a company called Loclly, and I did several clients and was never paid. I have cut ties with them due to this. They say they mailed a check, which I never received and after informing them of that we went back and forth.  I will look into a part time position if things don't pick up by the summer. I have created debt while attempting to launch my small business, and hopefullyit pay off. I few personal investors wanted to invest with me, but I don't believe in mixing business with personal.  If all else fail when my lease is up to my townhome, I may move back to Florida and get into the market in Orlando. My father is into the real estate and investment business so it may just be a little easier at home with my support system and family. I give myself another year here. I took a couple this semester off in school ( one more semester until I apply for nursing program) until I decide what direction I prefer to go in. Thanks for the response Cindy.  : )


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