Good afternoon everyone, I'm new to the forum. Stumbled on it 4 o clock this morning while researching things. Here's the delima.  I've been licensed for almost a year , and decided to start my business right out of school. I know not a real good decisions. I used to pay booth rent at a spa, until the owner closed it down due to an eviction. It was in a prime location in Buckhead ( located in Atlanta ).  I guess my biggest question is what am I doing wrong. I've created flyers with vista print,  created a website and also I started a blog . Below are the flyers I made for Christmas. The products I've used  on my family, friends and clients  are IMAGE ( the backbar line is limited) , PCA skin, script rx, and Rhonda Allison. I must say I love their chemical peels for PCA skin. I really have a passion for chemical peels.  For some reason I couldn't fall in love PCA line.  I don't know if I'm not giving the lines a chance, or what. I wasn't a big fan of Skin script rx, simply because I tried one of their enzymes, and don't know if it was me, but on the right side of my cheek caused a breakout. Which I never experienced before.  I usally don't try skincare lines on my own face, but I will say I regret I did. I currently ordered the Rhonda Allison " Hibiscus Facial" series from her, and about to give it a try. The one thing I love about PCA, and IMAGE, and maybe Skin Script, was there isn't a opening order. Rhonda Allison requires a 1,500 opening order. That would've been good a year ago when I invested 987 dllrs in PCA.  I guess I need a little direction.  Where to start, and what am I doing wrong. I live in a city where over 5 million ppl.

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Hi Britnee, welcome to the forum!

What's your question exactly - choosing a product line, or getting clients through your door, or both? If you're having trouble getting clients, were you doing okay at the previous spa before the owner closed it down, or was it a problem there too? That info will help people think of things that might be holding you back and make suggestions for things you could try.

Have you checked out what your competitors in the local area are doing - their prices, treatments they offer, opening hours etc - if there isn't much difference from what you're doing, but they are getting lots of traffic and you aren't, it might just be a matter of time and hard work until you get your name known.

Your website is lovely, it's a very attractive design.

Thank you for the reply. I guess im asking both. I was once told you have to be passionate about the skincare line u use. Ive used alot of the greats but I dont know if it's me personally. Ive went to three PCA skin classes because I love chemical peels. Ive even tried working in doctors, and went on several interviews. At the spa I was at it wasnt busy. The owner ran alot of groupon deals. Location was perfect. It was a restaurant in the plaza, across from piedmont hospital doctors office, a big gym, Solara salons, a botox clinic upstairs, dental office. Get my drift. I introduced myself to people in the plaza, but we were the black sheep due to.the owner burning bridges with alot of ppl. I constantly check prices in the area. I have a mentor ( even though I never met her) . shes the owner of shape value esthetics. What I like about her is she has only one bad review out of 230 of them , people love her knowledge, and her peices. Thanks for the reply, and compliment on my site.

Ive even considered on promoting to a specific community the fact im in atlanta ( if you catch my drift) . Sorry for.the typos, replying on my phone.

corretion *face value esthetics

Welcome to this forum! It's been a great source of support to me as I've navigated starting my business.

I opened my own business straight out of school- I really did not want to work for anyone. Granted, I forfeited experience I may have gained, but just really knew this was the route I wanted to go, and opted to just go for it.

Have you joined local networking groups? That is how I have managed to gain a large portion of my clientele. Check out There are usually professional women networking groups in most cities where you can meet other professional women- the best clients! I have gotten many referrals this way.

Good luck with the skincare choice. You do need to be passionate about your line- within reason. I am passionate about Image. I love the philosophy, the products, the ease of use- especially for a "newbie". There may be other lines out there that are better, but for me- this works really well. My clients can afford it- it's straight forward, customizable, and the training is great. Their philosophy also lines up with mine.

Good luck!! Stay creative!

Thanks Gina for your feedback. I know you can relate with starting your own business right out of school. I know alot of times I get fustrated, but I think what keeps me going is when people love the services I provide. I will check out the meetup website. As far as being passionate about a skin care line, I tell everyone IMAGE is my baby. Simply because it was the first line I was introduced to professionally. I have one client that's a recovering cancer patient, and she love the Omedics line. That was the only line I really invested into. PCA i think was the line I ended up investing more into, but for some reason I can't love it. Maybe it's me. The peels are great and I like their approach of " peeling without peeling".  I agree with you, I look into can clients afford it. I will not invest into a skincare line if clients can't afford it. I've used the IMAGE line on me personally, and PCA. I don't know why I had a reaction to Skin Script, but maybe I was the odd ball out the bunch that had a reaction to their enzymes. One thing I love about PCA and Rhonda Allison is they do all the leg work for you. I think I'm going to look into this Rhonda Allison line and see how I like it. One thing I like so far are the chemical peels. I know I need to expand my options other then looking into peels, but that's what always catch my eye.


how did you go about getting clients from meetup?

I am just starting out myself and out of school decided to start my own business....I am renting a little house but it's at a place that is like a whole Mind, body soul type place.  Anyways...I too was going to use PCA but after I bought their products, I hated them.  They smelled awful, made my face tingle, but their peels do give good results.  I was going to use their peels and another line...but then the thought of mixing and matching made me feel too I decided to go with Glotherapeutics.  I always test the products on myself before I actually use them...I am really liking the line, getting great results, and have been retailing too.  I know someone else that has used the line and said the clients love it.  I needed a good facial line but one that also had good chemical peels and result oriented products so I feel this gives both.  They do not have an opening order min but they do offer great incentives when you spend certain amounts like $500, $1000, $1500, $2000....depending on the size of the order, you get free samples, free marketing materials, and free gratis products.  Also, with every x amount that you spend, they send x amount of samples.  I have had some experience with Image myself and know someone using their line in their practice.  I think it retails fairly well too.  I know you say that you usually don't try the skincare lines on your own face but this could be why you are not passionate about one.  Give them a companies and tell them you are interested in their products and ask for samples.  Just keep your head up too and take it one day at a time. Good luck!

yes- I was going to add... you really should always try products on your own skin. there is no other way to experience what the client is feeling. it tunes you in better.

I agree with you both, call me crazy but I try things out on my skin but not alot. I like to be able to relate to what clients are feeling. It's kind of hard due to me receiving laser hair removal treatments ( along my sideburns area my father is hairy), and being able to space out treating my own skin, and also following with the physicians assistant orders.


Hello Sheila. Thanks for the reply. I want to take the time and say I love the way you have things set up. I will look into Glotherapeutics.  The product lines I've personally tried on my face were IMAGE (the first), PCA peel, which I love only two of the treatments, Rhonda Allison pumpkin cleanser, may be great for others but to drying, Pevonia sample cleanser, and Skin script. So I guess I can say I try products out on my face, but not all of them.  Im still paying for skin script from receiving hyperpigmentation spots on my cheek. Which really surprised me because I'm  African American ( light skin), and was told the line is great for ethnic skin.  I think it's great that Glotherapeutics reward you with certain amounts, and free marketing material.  Thanks for the advice : )

Thank you :).  I forgot to add...I actually do have the Sensi peel and the detox peel because I had a credit with them.  Glo does not allow you to purchase a few of their peels without a physician backing, so I did get that from pca...and I do like their lip peptide therapy.  I have the Vital C line from Image bc in one of my schools, they used image so I purchased it.  I have used the cleanser and the mask and hydrating serum, but for the most part I do use the Glo. 

Ilike to call myself the test dummy for things.  Haha.  I have literally woken up with 2 swollen eyes because I put something around my eyes that I should not have, but at least I know I would never do that to a client.  LOL.  PLease keep us posted!!

LOL !  At least you knew to try something different :)


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