I would like product recommendations for body wraps that can be done in a small space and are NOT messy and don't require much clean-up, that actually work, AND are not an MLM that anyone could have access to.

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I really love Bioelements Herbology Body Treatment, you can also make your own shea butter body wrap. Here is the protocol (very general)

1. dry brush the body-upward movements

2. take processed shea butter, warm it in a baby bottle warmer or hot cabi

3. add an essential oil blend based on your clients needs.

4. apply with a brush and wrap client for 20 minutes.

If you need more details you can email me at sschmaling@ascpskincare.com

Try Biotone, the body masks there make the skin look great, very soft and glowing. They can be done in a dry room, but they can be messy. Anotherbto consider is Set-N-Me-Free, it is an herbal wrap that uses a mummy style wrap to keep the product close to the skin. Check out the products and do your research. And these not MLM products.

Lotus touch makes a seaweed gel that you can use with the ace bandages. You can either apply to the body and then wrap with warm ace bandages (could warm in towel cabby or crock pot), then wrap the client up and maybe perform a little 30 min facial while they are wrapped.  The gel dries and you can just wipe off with a warm towel. 


Sheila, do you stand the client to apply these? I'm a real newbie to wrapping.....

yes you can apply that way or have them laying down and just move them around.  Standing my be a quicker application...or I beleive you can soak the acebandages in the solution as well and wrap them.  I am new at it as well.

I herd of parafango. its like a firming solution that dries and you peel off. Ive seen info on it in the past, but dont really know much about it

hey Gina,

i've used the Lotus Touch seaweed wrap, and while it is easy to work with, there tends to be a residue left over.  There is also parfum in the gel, which might be irritating to sensitive skin clients.  Moor Spa has a great Moor Mud and Seaweed Gel that I use more frequently.  It is blended with pure essential oils, so the strong smell of the natural mud and seaweed are masked. 

Here's the website!


M'Lis Cbody Contour Wrap. It's amazing and no mess! It actually works too. You measure your client, apply a scrub (while they stand), brush it off, apply a cream, wrap with a type of plastic wrap. They rest for 1 hour and you can offer to do a facial or something for a discount or they can just sleep. Take off plastic wrap, re-measure and you're done. So easy and they LOVE it!.

Oooh I love that there is no clean-up at all with this one!! Could I dry brush instead of the scrub? I don't want to deal with the brush-off... my room has carpet and is tiny. I don't want to have to vacuum between clients.

You can but the scrub is part of the treatment. I put a towel on the floor and all the scrub falls on that. Just be careful when you pick up the towel and you will be fine. I don't have to clean up between clients. Again, no mess. I have a wet room but it just isn't necessary to use it for this service.


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