I am looking to get trained in Lash Extension's with Xtreme Lashes. I would like to know what you think of the training and products. Is it worth the high cost in the long run?

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I can't speak to the area you're in but the cost of extensions is being driven down by fierce competition. They've become very popular and most do not need more than a training video to get started and purchase supplies. There's a learning curve and I would say there are many out there doing some sloppy work. So if you could guarantee that being "certified" in Xtreme lash would help drive up your prices and help you cover your costs taking the course, then it would be worth it. But, in my experience, being "certified" in a brand doesn't resonate with clients because they don't know what you mean by that.

I suggest doing it on the cheap and not offering it as a service until you've run through many "guinea pigs" and you've really nailed it down. Then you can afford to be competitive with your pricing.

This is good advice!

Thank you for the advice I appreciate it. With Xtreme lashes there are different training levels. With the first level you get a certificate of completion , to be certified and in the lash directory you have to take level 2 training. If only level one training is taken do you know what would happen if I ended up working for a company that offeres lash extensions but not necessarily the xtreme lashes. Also, I believe the website says to charge $300 a set which is unreasonable even though I live in phoenix az. Would I have to charge that price or is it more a suggested price? Any an all advice is welcome I'm a new Aesthetician and want to make sure I'm making good decisions!
I think it's a suggested price. That's really not a reasonable price and you should do some checking around in your area to confirm that. Obviously price is going to vary by region so it's important to price check to see what your competition is doing. I don't understand their level training and I hate to say it but it's my opinion that they're trying to create a standard from which to set themselves apart or better. I don't see anything wrong with that as long as you're prepared to push that agenda on your clients by educating them as to how you're different and "better". You're going to have to work harder for those clients dollars in the long run. Again, I think there are other options out there that I think you should investigate. Companies are really good at marketing their "culture" to us as a lure but in the end all these certificates end up just being frames on our walls that nobody cares about. You're already licensed for it, take a class that will get you where you need to be but skip the hype and extra expense where you can. It's hard enough as it is without companies making huge dents in our wallets for something we have a harder time making profit on.
Did you ever do the Xtreme lash training?
I have been a directory certified Xtreme lash extension it's to your advantage to practice with a cheaper product. I started with NovaLash and practiced until I really felt competent. You are not certified with the level 1 training still you have to pass the practical test to get certified. G*** luck!
Thank ou Gigi. What is the price difference for refill kits between other lash companies and extreme lashes. I can find the initial cost and kits but have not been successful in finding out how much the products cost after the initial kit is used
We'll that too is based on a tier system of how much you initially purchase. You can range between $23-30 on a single container of lashes depending on your tier. Xtreme is on the higher end. I have been successful but it has been my niche. I have had a few other people who didn't practiced before making the investment and had gave up after buying the kit and classes not realizing how technical and tedious the skill set is. Hope this helps!
It does help thank you. I'm a serious perfectionist so I am a little worried about taking a training and becoming frustrated if I don't get the hang of it right away. As far as practicing would you recommend I practice with the individual clusters to get a feel for applying lashes? I know it's completly different than applying a individual lash like with lash extensions.
You know I did, and it does help with get getting use to working around the eyes. Clients react differently to someone working on their eyes, some are jittery and some are very calm. No matter what their reaction is the more comfortable you are and stable your hands are the smoother the appointment will go. Practice practice practice.
It literally took me 45 minutes to get three lashes on the first time I tried. I feel very strongly that it's more about training your hands to work independently of each other than it is training. It's honestly not rocket science it's just a developed skill earned through repetitive applications. Over time and through correcting yourself you learn how to apply appropriate amounts of pressure, hold steady, how much glue to coat with, which side to put the lash on, how to angle it and swipe the lash to set it. It's a skill you earn. If you don't love it, you won't stick with it long enough to acquire the skill.
As someone who has been an eyelash technician for many years I have to disagree with Learning from a video. This reply is not coming from the trainer or extension manufacture side of my business but from me as an long time technician. You cannot learn this technique from a video or just by ordering the products. I say this because you are liable for the eye health of every single person that you service. To think that you cannot seriously and permanently harm your clients eyes is so risky. We take off horrible lashes weekly and literally get calls daily from clients who eyes are glued open, or who have gone to an inexperienced you tube trained lash artist who bought cheap products and have spent the night in the ER becuase their eyes were swelled shut. I have seen clients who's lashes were so damaged that they never grew back. If you do not understand all of the risks, know all of the ingredients that are safe and more importantly what is not, how will you know what to order and what not to. Many products manufactured in China are bought have a USA label put on them and come to find out it is hair extension glue or contains formaldehyde, etc. I do not think your training should be based on what resonates with clients but being well trained on safe and healthy extensions. If you do not start out your business doing perfect, healthy, safe extensions you business will not survive 2 months as your online reviews will kill it. Sorry about the long reply but as someone who sees the horror of bad lash jobs weekly I think it is important that educators try to help new lash techs succeed.


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