I just read according to its newest report, Salon Services - US - June 2012, that younger men are more likely to take advantage of services offered at salons. The report stated that 38 percent of men aged 18 to 34 have had a facial or body treatment, compared to only 15 percent of men aged 55 and older. It sounds like this might be a promising market to tap into!

Are any of you seeing an increase in male clientele? If so, what is the average age coming in for a treatment, and what are they having done?

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One more possible trend along these lines - I've heard that skin care schools are seeing more males enrolling in their esthetics programs. Do you think a male client would prefer to go to a male skin care professional for skin care, waxing or body treatments, or do you think they would prefer to see a female esthetician for these types of services? 

This is interesting. I think it depends on the guy. It may be a personal preference. I am seeing younger men and older men coming to me and enjoying my services. I just got back from Vegas and I checked out all the spas and many have a gentlemans service menu. I'm re doing my service menu so that men feel more comfortable coming for skin care.

On the subject of men, is there a line dedicated to men's needs that is also a professional line?

Hi Faith! I know that I have seen Pevonia ads for a professional line just for men, but a great resource might be Les Nouvelles Esthetique & Spa magazine. Every year, one month's issue is all about men, and if I remember correctly, all the companies who have a specific men's line advertise in that issue. Their website is www.lneonline.com.

Hope that helps!

As a young male myself, I think I'd still rather see a female esthetician. Maybe it's a societal thing, since women tend to be thought of as the more "nurturing" of the sexes. I think I'd just feel awkward being so close and face-to-face with another guy for a long treatment, which is kind of weird since my primary massage therapist is a male. I guess ultimately it depends on the individual, like anything, but without knowing who the provider would be (say, if I were booking a service at a spa and didn't know who my esthetician would be) my preference would be for a female.

Do you have a preference for a pro skin care line? Are you interested in grooming and facials etc? I am just trying to get a hold on this because I am trying to market more to the men. I am developing my "gentleman's lounge" where I will offer different services like facials brows etc. I am married and an esthetician and my husband threw a curveball at me when he went to Target and got a "men's face scrub" and he wouldn't use what I brought home. I'd love any feedback you have

Sorry, I'm your typical guy; store-bought, basic skin cleanser and moisturizer for me :-) 

I think there are a few things though that would bring me in as a client. One of the big things with skincare products is that so many are flowery, frou frou sweet smelling things, when I'd rather have something with no scent, or if it has to have a scent, something "manly."

As far as treatments, I think a lot of it is in how you bill it. I take good care of my hands and feet with a pumice stone, moisturizer, etc., but not because I really care about how they look--I rock climb, run and hike a lot, and if I don't take care of my skin I get blisters or callouses that eventually rip off and make a big mess. So if you offer things like pedicures and manicures (and even waxing), but describe it as a way to take care of your body for athletic type endeavors instead of just for looks, that's more appealing to me as a guy.

That's not to say though that I'd never do a beauty type treatment. I think eyebrow waxing could be appealing to eliminate the unibrow effect, and I also think my generation is much more interested in appearance-oriented treatments in general, whether that's waxing, facials (and back facials, since that's a problem area for most guys), or whatever else.

I hope that helps!

Thanks Abram! That helps alot. I want to get a line that is packaged and geared towards men. No fru fru flowers. LOL! I think that's great info to have so that I can get more men. I find that if I can get them in, they will buy retail and are great tippers!

Awesome, glad I could give you some ideas! :-)


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