Glycation is a process that is associated with aging and degenerative diseases. Glycation is the non-enzymatic joining of a sugar compound with a protein, or amino acids.
Glycation occurs in the presence of heat above 60 degrees C. Food undergoes a change known as “browning.” The browning reaction is also called the Maillard Reaction. This reaction is essentially one of protein denaturation.
The connection with this subject and skin is increased stiffness, loss of elasticity and inflammation.
The body can only combat or counteract so much sugar and inflammation, before it starts to lose the battle.
I believe by making better food choices, sharing recipes and supporting one another, we will no doubt improve our skin condition, overall health and become better equipped to help our clients.
“Glycation makes you older faster, and makes the skin look just plain awful …it accounts for accelerated aging, yellowing and stiffness of the skin, and decreased circulation.”
Peter T. Pugliese MD
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Latest Activity: Jan 17, 2017