I'm working on the Jan/Feb issue of Skin Deep and need some more answers to our back-page question! What are your ideas? Reply here, or email me at editor@ascpskincare.com. This issue's question is: What's one way that an esthetician can go above and beyond when it comes to customer service?


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To me this doesn't seem like above and beyond but...I can't tell you how many clients get excited by the fact that I call them back very quickly. They thank me profusely, when I should be thanking them for calling me!


The day after a new client has had her first treatment...call her to see how she's doing, ask how her skin feels and looks. You'll be surprised how much they like this and may even end up scheduling another appointment right then on the phone.

Good point - any client's idea of "above and beyond" depends on what she has previously experienced elsewhere, so if another spa isn't even doing basic stuff like returning phone calls, it sets the bar pretty low! Followup calls are a great idea. I think almost any type of company could benefit from doing that, and it's especially nice in any kind of wellness profession.

Shelley, that quick response time AND the follow up the day after are what makes you stand apart! If someone feels like they aren't special, or they are just another warm body, there's not much incentive to seek you out again. Great feedback!

I give a reminder call or text one or two days before the appointment, that way if they are in need of rescheduling, it can be done. I have heard from many new clients that they left the previous esthetician because they did not feel a connection, that they felt they were only money in the service professionals pocket. I do reminder texts and calls, and follow-up calls to make sure the after treatment went well and to see if they had any issues that need to be addressed. I send out  handmade scrapbook cards: "thinking of you", "My deepest sympathies", "congratulations" and emails. I also ask my valued clients what they would like to see on my menu, or if I can do anything differently. I am pleased to say that because of my over and above, many of my clients are in family groups, and groups of friends an co-workers! My clients know I am a person who really does care.
Nice! Thanks for the reply!

If your clients feel that connection, they'll keep coming back. And in this busy day and age, those reminders are so important. We all tend to overbook our schedules, so giving them a chance to reschedule is also a very considerate move on your part!

I print out information sheets for each skin condition and hand it to each client before they leave.  It defines their condition along with tips both internal and external to help improve their skin.  At the bottom I make suggestions for products (very soft sell).  I would say about 75% of all clients land up purchasing at least one product.  I follow up with a phone call or email a week later having given them a chance to see results from the products.

Shelley, this is also a great way to educate your clients, too, which is really the key to improving retail sales. Great idea!

This may seem silly or 'added fluff' but when my clients arrive at my studio, I greet them with a smile and offer a bottle of water while they decompress for a moment. Post-treatment I remind them to call me if they have any questions/concerns following treatment and then offer a small chocolate on their way out. Though small in nature, these actions have gone a long way in helping my clients feel appreciated. 


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