Ok ladies,  let's hear it.  How many do the men? If you aren't doing them, you're missing out on a very loyal group. Yes, they have some different "bits and pieces", but it's essentially the same to wax a woman as it is to wax a man. I'm telling the truth, you can trust me :)

Tags: Brazilian, Male, Mens, Waxing, waxing

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Hi Crickett,

I am a bit scared to be honest.  I have a willing participant when I am ready.  That would be my boyfriend.  I have done the front but a I am afraid to go down under.  I have a couple of potential male clients calling me about providing this service.  Do you have any advice?  I use Nufree for all of my hair removal.



Hey Stacy,

I have a couple of suggestions. 

#1 Get some training, from someone who not only knows what they are doing, but who is able to instruct you.  Just because someone knows how to do it, doesn't mean they know how to teach it.  Two very different things. Not sure where you are, I'm in CA and offer Brazilian classes to which students will be encouraged to bring male models.  Also have a Brazilian DVD The Secret Life of Brazilian Waxing, which gets down and dirty and gives step by step instructions, much like one would receive in class.  You can find the dvd at http://thewaxchick.com/Educational_DVD_s.html if you are interested.  I also do private training.

#2, not a Nufree fan, but if it works for you, great.  Currently I am using Berodins, but am in the process of creating my own hard wax.  So exciting. 

#3 A male or female Brazilian isn't really something you want to attempt without a plan.  If you are confident doing women, then it's just a matter of applying that same confidence to men.  It's really not that much different, just a bit awkward in the beginning, just as it was when you first stared doing women.  The biggest thing is to hold the skin taught and make sure it is taught when you are removing the wax especially on the scrotum.  This is the part that freaks people out, but just think of it as the labia on a woman, just looks a bit different.

I do full male brazilians ( thats the whole kit-and-kaboodle from the pubic bone to the tailbone and every wobbly bit in between) I had a man call and ask if getting a brazilian was like a massage or like going to the Doctor. I wish I had responded with, 'Well that depends If you think having your hair ripped from your scrotum and bum is a massage.' but I was a good girl/professional and just bluntly said, 'going to the Doctor' and he thanked me and I never heard from him again!!!! LOL

I've also had women ask if men get erections and I said no (gladly not yet) and that  sometimes  their penis will even retract and  hides in the bushes until  its hiding place is gently ripped away too!!! My female clients  ask because their husbands are thinking its going to be an erotic experience and don't want to have an erection while getting one. One client told me her husband had her buy a wax kit so she could give him a brazilian (he had bought wine and had soft music playing) but after she ripped a couple strips  they were screaming at each other and  he said this was the worst idea he had ever had. He had so  hoped it was going to be a sensual experience!!!!

 I have never had any awkward issues with my male brazilian clients because they come to me knowing its a professional waxing service and nothing else. (my website states this also) Due to the fact I have a home salon, male clients must be accompanied by a female or I take males coming alone when my husband is in the house (my hubby does not make it obvious he's home because I'm not trying to intimidate my male clients either, just playing it safe) Many will come with their girlfriends or wives (although there for moral support, it usually ends up with them trying not to laugh as their 'boo' is on his hands and knees.)

I always make the male client feel like this is no big thing and I do this all day long. They see that I am friendly but confident and in control by giving them directions throughout....'pull your penis over to the right, left, toward the belly button, pull your scrotum up, over...I start all my male clients on their knees and wax their bum first because  I feel it lets them know who is in charge right from the beginning.

I recommend reading Claire Barnes book 'Waxing the Twigs and Berries'. Lots of great info, real life stories with many great laughs too! I've been male waxing for years but if you are considering it you can also order 'the Secret Life of Brazilan waxing' by Crickett and Stephanie or 'The Whole Ball of Wax' by Lori Nestore.



Michigan USA

Hey Jennifer,

Thanks for the plug on the dvd :)  And thanks for the great stories.  Male Brazilians can be quite comical.  I have not experienced an erection during waxing as of yet (fingers crossed) :)  But there can be occasional discharge, not of the arousal kind, just general body ooze.

I think men are so much more vulnerable when getting a Brazilian.  It's not as widely acceptable socially as it is for women and most men are 100 times more embarrased, so like you said, it's very important to make your client feel at ease.  You hit the nail on the head, it's all about confidence, if you've got it, your client will feel it and be comfortable with you and the service.

Thanks for the good posts ladies.  Everyone has so much to offer I love hearing it all.

 Crickett, heres a good story about just how  'vulnerable' men feel!!!

In October I got a call from Afghanistan. It was a U. S. Marine telling me he'd been over there for almost a year in the mountains and he was 'dirty, hairy and wanted a full body wax' when he got back in December.  I asked him how the heck he got my number and he said, 'Your website'. The internet  truly connects the world!!!!

Anyways, when he finally came in for his appointment, he told me he had only ever waxed himself but had never attempted a brazilian for obvious reasons.  As he was on his hands and knees with his bum in the air he was kind of mumbling and then he said quietly, 'I don't think I have ever been more vulnerable in my entire life, um, uh, I think this may just be worse than 9 mths in Afghanistan.' At the end of it all, he was thrilled with the results and headed out for a 'hot date'.

I now have an amazing testimonial but one new clients would not appreciate....'Waxbitch' worse than 9 mths in Afghanistan'. I may have a future in terrorist interrogations!!!

OMG!  Jennifer you are hilarious!

When we were making "The Secret Life of Brazilian Waxing" one of the male models was retired from the service, a trouper or scout or something and he was like, "If I can do that I can do anything, and I've had my arm broken so I know pain".  Well, needless to say he was doing a bit of whimpering and when all was said and done I asked him if he'd rather have a broken arm or get a brazilian. His reply.....a broken arm. LOL

I'm afraid of getting some creepsters...

Start with referral only from people you know. 

Tomorrow afternoon, I have my first male scheduled....I recently had a class with the Wax Queen and watched her male BBW video twice tonight to prep myself. So, hopefully I will do a good job. Still a bit apprehensive but confident to delve into this area.


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