What are your techniques when applying a peel? Do you use a brush, cotton pad or gauze? Do you apply with a good amount of pressure?


I currently use PCA Skin and they suggest using a cotton square. I'm just wondering because I want to get the best, even penetration of product. Or is it all about how you prep the skin?

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Hi Erica, 

With PCA peels, you pour it into dots onto the cotton square. You only really need to do 3 dots to make a flower because when I did 4 dots, it seems a bit strong just to start with a first layer. That way you can do an Additional layer (which you should charge extra for) and not worry that your client will be reactive. I find the cotton method is the best way to make sure the peel won't drip especially in a client's eyes. I apply it with good pressure two times as a swipe in each area of the face. if there's one area that needs more of a spot treatment, I just pat the cotton right onto the skin. Hope this helps!

It depends on the peel I am doing.  I always put eye covers on clients, the kind you wear in a tanning booth.  If I'm just doing the peel I use very large q-tips.  Not the kind from the store, from a supplier.  If I'm mixing it with an enzyme, I use a mash brush and paint it on.  You'll find the right method for you and the product.  Some other suggestions have been to use gauze-type squares so that you can use a little pressure and the gauze is also doing some of the exfoliating but gently.

Brenda~ I'm new to PCA and was wondering if you could give a little more info on mixing the peels with a enzyme. Thanks:)

Necia, my apologies I'm just now seeing this.  Hmmm.  I do not use PCA so I'm not the esty to ask about this particular peel and the method.  I'm hoping some has answered your question by now.


I usually use a gauze and my pressure is based on the the clients skin- if some one wants a deep peel with results and they can handle it- I apply very steady pressure. if you are doing a lactic peel you want to massage it in to break down the size of the molicule so it can penetrate deeper.

Prepping this skin is always first and foremost the most important part of a peel in my opinion. Most peels suggest gauze, I prefer a brush myself. It's an art form that with practice becomes easier especially with layering peels, but that's just my opinion. 


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