Hi Estys,


I have a 18 year old Fitz.1 client who has acne grade 3. I started her with Image over one month ago with the only clear cell products for about 1 week. The lotion was too drying for her so we took that out and I added the Bio peptide creme in the evening. I have given her a clear cell and ormedic facial. I just gave her the acne peel. I have her spot treat with the clear cell mask.  She seems to need extractions every two weeks for relief. I feel for her. She is so sensitive. I have to be carefull with steam. She will look like a raccoon from the redness is causes. She is also prone to broken capillaries. I am having her go to her Dr. for a allergy test just to rule that out. Any suggestions would be much appreciated. 

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Hi! I cleared my own skin (sensitive skin) with image and have done wonders for a grade 4 who was super sensitive and a grade 1 who was super sensitive... Not so sure about the bio peptide when my acne was super bad it just agitated it... 

Here is what I would do.

Sal cleanser every other day, rotating with ormedic

Vit C anti-aging serum EVERY DAY & when she is super dry @ night... and up to every night.

Oil Free sunscreen EVERY DAY 

Acne lotion every other night & spot treating large ones every day. 

That has her with only 5 products total, which is good for the budgeting, and if she is using her cleansers corretly, the two should last her one year. 

You want to rotate her clear cell products so that her skin does not adjust to it... because it will stop working for her. Once her acne starts to subside, you can add in the mask for spot treating & once a week use. 

Also, dietary things help... no dairy (or at least less) low iodine diets help a lot too! 

Hope this helped!


Thank you soo much for responding. I will have her alternate her sal cleanser with the ormedic. I will have her add the vit. c serum. She has been using the Vit c. ace serum at night before her peptide.If she uses the lotion every other night what should she use the other nights. You said the bio agitated?? How exactly do you rotate the clear cell line? It's funny you just sent this because just yesterday I asked her to stay off dairy for a month to see if that helps. Thank you so much. I will let you know!


I am sorry I did not get the alert that you responded. I am just seeing this now. Let me know if you still have any questions. The vital c anti-aging serum, not the AC&E, because it is hydrating and reduces irritation. I rotate the clear cell so that I am only using one product a day, because they are formulated differently, your skin does not get used to the same thing every day, so it stays working.

Well, it sounds like you are doing some good options, but I wouldn't steam her at all!  Personally, I approach acne as a systemic issue, not a "surface" issue.  We can only help so much when most of the acne issue is from the inside out.  I stongly recommend clients go on a cleansing diet to rid them of sugar, caffine, carbohydrates and get on a good pro-biotic.  I also use P73 oregano supplements.  A great diet is the Makers Diet.  They need to rid their body of inflammation and build up their good bacteria.  As for her treatments and at home care...I recommend cold therapy....i.e. ice it!  Acne is a challenge!  Best wishes and she is blessed to have someone who cares so much about her!


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