Best products?? I've had several clients with milia. Help!

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I have quite a few with milia and similar problems.  My best bet would be to put them on the ageless products.  Mainly resurfacing scrub, total repair creme, agless cleanser.  You need something to exfoliate the skin and help break down the dead skin cells.  It won't get rid of the milia, but may help to prevent it.  If your clients have large milia, you need to open the skin and remove them.  There isn't any other way.  Gina, do you have a microderm machine?  That would help in conjunction with the agless products mentioned above.  Maybe also doing some series of peels.  Are your clients with the milia more on the dry side? 


Thanks Diane- one client is oily one is more dry/sensitive.

I am still not very comfortable with opening and removing them- however, I have decided I need to get some lancets. State board just recently ok'd the use of them.

I do not use a microderm, however I do have dermafiles, so I've been thinking I should use those on them during a facial.

I totally understand how uncomfortable it is extracting milia.  My recommendation is purchasing Terumo Sterile needles from universal companies.  They penetrate the skin much easier than regular lancets.  However, I do suggest having someone help you first before you attempt extracting the milia on your own.  They can be tricky, sometimes they pop out easily and others do not.  I have the Dermafiles also.  They are great and work well.  There is another skincare line that I have purchased from and will use again.  Skinscripts has great enzymes and I have found they work extremely well with the Dermafiles. 

I have found that the majority of my clients that have milia are mostly dry.  I would still recommend some of the ageless products that contain glycolic.  Your customer that is dry/sensitive might be able to use the resurfacing scrub & face wash from the ageless line.  The total repair creme isn't too harsh either.  I would probably give her a sample first to make sure it doesn't irritate her skin.  Good Luck and if I can help you further with the milia extractions, let me know. 


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