Hi everyone. I am from Massachusetts. I took esthetics class 12 years ago and never took the state board exam or practical.
Well now I'm doing it :)
Any advice or tips??
I have been studying the milady text book and youtubing what to expect on the practical.
I am going to purchase the Massachusetts state board practical kit for all my supplies.

Please let me know if there is anything you think I could use or know! :)

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It's been about 10 years since I've taken the MA State board test.  I honestly do not remember specifics about the test except that the written was more common sense questions.  The practical was super easy but your nerves get the best of you!  I'm sure you will do great!  Good luck!

Thank you!! :)
Were they all multiple choice questions??
I'm totally nervous.

Oh my gosh...I can't remember but I think they were multiple choice.  It was so long ago!  LOL  I don't know if they have changed the test at all since.  When do you take your test?  I remember being so nervous and then when it was over feeling so relieved and wondered why I stressed so much.

Have you reached out to any other resources or a refresher class that may help you get prepared for the test?  Maybe try Essentials in Woburn...I've found them helpful.  They may be able to point you in the right direction. 

I don't have a date yet. I'm submitting my application for a date this week.
I have called a few places. Seems Boone does a refresher course.
I guess I'll just study the book and hope I pass lol


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