Hi Everyone, 

I've been hearing about Dermafile lately as an option to use instead of Microdermabrasion machines, that it's more holistic way and cheaper to use as a service. I definitely don't have the money or space for the fancy machines so I am wondering if anyone on here really like using the Dermafile and what are the pros and cons about using it? Is it hard to judge how hard you are using the tool on the client's face? Would love to hear from estheticians that are using it..before I purchase one. Hoping to see it at a booth when I go to the Face and Body show this Aug.

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Hi Katrina,

I use them and love them! They're super easy to use. My clients like the way they feel. You can see info on my website about them. I'll be in the Radiancy booth at the Face and Body Show but I'd be more than happy to bring them to show you or you can come to my training Center in Foster City anytime for a demo.

Hi Shelley, 

Do you have an instructional dvd for the Dermafiles you sell? I find that it would be a lot more helpful for me. I saw on the original Dermafile website that they include the dvd when you buy a Dermafile. I have never used Microdermabrasion before, my school didn't provide one to teach us about how to use it. I'm happy doing peels but wondering if this would be another good service or even addition to peels to offer? It does scare me a bit since I am not familiar with it at all, but it has caught my interest. I will definitely check out your Radiancy booth at the Face and Body Show! 

Yes, it comes with an instructional DVD!!! Don't be scared of them, you really can't harm anyone with the files.

I totally agree with Shelly. In addition, I would suggest you contact the inventor, Leslie Lind who is also an esthetician and you can talk with her at lenght. You can find the contact on the website. If you are still shy, buy one MyDermafile and use it on yourself or the back of your hand to get practice. You'll love it. The only think I don't agree is that is a substitution for Microdermabration. One is one, the other is the other... Like tea is not a substitution for coffee but is still good ( and I'm a coffee lover..)


Ok I ordered a set of 3 Dermafiles, fine, medium and coarse. I was able to use a discount so I decided to order it through Leslie Lind on her website. I have a willing candidate that I can do it on free of charge. I can't wait to get it and watch the dvd. If you either of you have any more suggestions, please let me know! 


Yes, I agree Cora...the Dermafile is not a complete replacement for microderm. But for those that don't have the budget or space for a microderm machine, using an ultrasonic spatula and then the Dermafile gives a pretty darn good exfoliation. I love your coffee/tea analogy!!!

Ok so I tried the Dermafile and I am really enjoying using it as a treatment so far! I tried it on my dad and it gave him amazing results, I have been doing a Jessner peel on him continually with not much progress so I did the medium Dermafile and then did the peel, his skin is totally smoother and he has brighter complexion now. Two of his friends were in such awe of how much younger he looks. One of his friends wants to get this done as soon as possible, so if I do a peel with Dermafile, how much should I charge?


Hi Shelley, what do you think about using HydroPeptide's Peel and then Dermafile is it too much or just enough?

To everyone: are you using the dermafile on dry or wet skin? I see it can be used both ways.

Hi Tanya, 

I'm using it on dry skin after cleansing but I've done it while the cleanser is left on the skin as well. I'm still trying to decide which way I prefer, the only thing is that when I did it on wet skin, my client felt that I was using a little more pressure compared to it being dry which may not be such a good thing. 

i used it for the first time today on a co worker and she also said that the wet version felt more abrasive.
When the developer, Lesley Lind, developed the Dermafiles she meant for them to be used on dry skin. But, you know how us Estys love to play and experiment! I mostly do the dry skin thing but Lisa from Skin Scripts loves to use them with an enzyme of the face.


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