Anyone used this?

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Love them!!! You can read more about them and see before and after pics of my clients on my website at  FYI...I have them on sale right now!
Thanks-Says I need a password?, you don't need a password for my website.
Illegal in the state of Florida
Well that was weird! Your site is working for me to look around :), that's interesting info about being illegal in Florida! Can you do micorderm in Florida? The Esty that makes the Dermafiles happens to live in Florida. I will definitely run this past her. I have Esty's in Florida purchase them on my website all the time!

Our board came out with the findings in April of this year.  There was a big controversary as people were using scaples (I think that is spelled wrong).  Anyway Dermafiling is not in the "Pervue" of our license.  Also, they have cracked down.  I know of one school they are investigating (this school is teaching it),  if they are caught they will be closed an all teachers fined.    I know of this personally because I was one of the people who ask for a finding (after having experienced a class myself as a volunteer)

Are you sure you're not talking about Dermaplaning? That's totally different than Dermafiles.

You are RIGHT! I am talking about Dermaplaning - but I don't know if our board made both as "not in our license pervue" - regarding Dermafiling & Dermaplaning.
If you can do microderm in Florida, you can do Dermafiles. All they are is a diamond head on a handle. Microderm without the suction.
O.K.  I am absolutely sure the Dermaplaining with the Scaple (spelling again) is absolutely OUT.  You can do Microderm abrasion in Florida.


I live in Florida and I bought my Dermafile from the person that (i think invented it).  I use it and and know other Esties in Florida that use it.  I call it the alternative to microdermabrasion.   It seems to me that it would be even safer than microdermabrasion (not that microdermabrasion isn't safe).  The reason why I don't use it more is because people like machines.  The diamonds on it are just like the ones in the dermabrasion tips.  It's simple, cheaper and probably great for any one that likes "green".  I believe that the person in Tampa (Leslie) sold it to another company.  At least that's what I've heard.


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