Hello everyone! I am trying to put together my small small business. Getting ready for the License soon.

I just wanted some feed back on what waxing products does everyone carry and why?

Does anyone have any feedback positive or negative on NuFree Waxing System?


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I use sugar, or trying to get the technique down. I tried Nufree once when I interviewed for a job. If I dont get the sugaring technique down, I'm most definitely will go with Nufree. I was very impressed.

I like Berins, Lycon and Cirephil waxes..I've tried cheap and expensive and these work best for me.

I totally agree with Michelle, those are the best waxing brands out there. I don't use Nufree wax but I am not hearing such positive things it. 

Berins Blue beads for Hard and Berins Ease for soft, the hard wax stays pliable w/out breaking like the less expensive brand and you can cover a large area with the Ease and then go back and pick it up with the strips, the the cheaper brands I couldn't do that with.

Berins Blue beads for Hard and Berins Ease for soft.  I also like the GiGi Green Tea for Strip wax.  From what I understand Berins and Cirephil are the same.  Cirephil came out first, but wasn't patented or something.  So Berins copied it.  I would choose the one that is less expensive or easier for you to get.  Good luck with your business.  P.S.  I hated NuFree but it was a long time ago that I tried it.  I would be interested in learning the Sugar if I wasn't already established.  Vanessa what kind of sugar do you use?

I use Sugar Streak, but I was trained on Simply Sugar.  I only used Nufree once, but I absolutely loved it.  It take a while to get use to it, but once I did, it was great.

Thanks for all of your responses! I will check out these that you all have mentioned.  I love waxing and I really want to become great at it.  I just want a wax to be gentle as possible for the clients and great to work with.

I am loving Lycon, specifically Rosette with titanium dioxide. GOOD LUCK!!


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