I bought their trial kit at the Face and Body Show. I'm really impressed with these products for anti-aging. If any of you have any feedback, I'd love to hear it!!

I've created a new treatment that I call the "Power Peptide Pick Me Up". I've done it on just two clients so far but the feedback from them was...love it! I'm going to use the HydroPeptide products at my Radiancy demo workshop on September 11th. I'll fill you in on this pick me up facial then. Call me if you'd like to chat about these products. I can't rep for them (they don't have any outside reps) but I still want to spread the word.


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I've done nothing more than look at the magazine ads so far.

But I marked them on my map as a must see at the Phila show in October.

Hopefully they will have the trial kit for sale!

If I get it I would love to trade stories.

They do sell a trial kit at the Show for a very good price. That's what I started with and since then I've placed a big order. Please tell the guys at the booth that you got rave reviews from me.

I recently purchased the "Starter Kit" from HydroPeptide.  (This is a package of almost every retail product they have.)  I have used the products on myself and really like them.  I will say, the one product that seems a little odd is the SPF 30 - it has a gritty feel to it and is blue colored.  This doesn't show up on my skin, but some clients may balk at that.  It does smell amazing, so that is a plus. 

If you call AC Dotterweich at 425.458.4119 and tell him you are a licensed Esty and interested in the product he will send a package of info.  (He actually sent me a full size of the Eye (#1 selling product) and lots of samples.)

While some people may shy away as these products are available to consumers online, I found the line to be a nice introduction to peptides.  (Dermaquest by comparison was super confusing, IMO.)  I also live fairly close to the HP HQ :) so that was appealing.

Hope this helps.


Julia in Woodinville, WA

Julia....I went onto their website after reading your post and look what I found:



Great information.  That is so scary!  I know there are cosmetic companies I love that are being copied, in China, and sold on eBay.  (Benefit is one.)

Rest assured, if you order from AC, you are getting the "real deal".  He has been so helpful and informative - even when I was in school.  I even asked if I could go visit them at their main offices and he said, "Sure, but it is kind of boring - we are not a retail store."

I am new and only wanting to find the best for my limited clientele.  I am hoping HP will work for us. 




Shelley - are you still offering your Power Peptide treatment?  How are you liking HP products?




Yes, our clients are loving the Power Peptide Pick Me Up!! We are retailing quite a bit of their product also.  If you are going to give it a try, I recommend getting their starter kit that gives you quite a few products for a really good price. If you do call them...please tell them I referred you, they are giving a little thank you for talking about them. I like it so much that I wanted to rep but they don't have outside reps. Feel free to call me if you want to chat!

Thanks so much, Shelley.  I have learned so much from your posts and your videos.

I actually have already purchased the Starter Kit, although I am just getting started to here it sits.  I am personally using some of the samples and I purchased a few of the little Sample Packs so I am using the cleanser and the yummy lime smelling toner.  (Awesome perk-up in the middle of the day.)

One of these days I will definitely call you!  (I bow to your success.)

If you are ever in the Seattle area, let me know - I think it would be fun to go to the HP main offices.

Julia in Woodinville, WA

HydroPeptide has a great offer running right now. They have a travel kit that gives you quite a few products (and a satin eye pillow) that are only $30 wholesale (usually $45). It's a great way to introduce your clients to these products. I'm placing my order for 15 of them on Monday. I'm going to take advantage of this big discount!

HydroPeptide has a travel kit available with 6 products in it. You have to purchase 12 of them at a time though. It's on sale so I stocked up! The regular price is $45, the sale price is $30 (with an order of 12). So, if you want to try this kit and not have to purchase 12.....I'll sell you one at the regular price of $45 plus shipping. It's a good way to give the products a try. Call me to order. (650) 286-0311.

Hi Shelley,

Can you tell us your protocol for the Power peptide pick me up please.

Thank You


I'll be using HydroPeptide in my lil spa when I open next month, also my dermafiles! I love Peel and Eye. When useing the spf I think I will let my clients know about the gritty feeling in the spf. I will suggest to massage the beads a lil with their fingers before applying so they can get the effect of more even toned skin.


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