I just ordered mine, the regular model, and I was thinking about how to introduce it to my clientele. (FYI I use Skin Script products)

Do you recommend I use it in every facial or make it a special service?

I thought I saw somewhere a 20 minute intro protocol for it? Using the SS retinol scrub? I can't find it now.

I've been in a little bit of a rut and I'd love to use it as something to get my clients really hyped up.



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Hi Sandra thanks for your post. First..did you order from my website because no order came through from you.

I use the spatula in every facial. If you do not have other toys, you may want to offer the spatula as a add-on or as a stand alone treatment. I can help you with that.

That's great that you are using Skin Scripts! Love them! I can email you the protcol for what I call the "Freshen Up Facial" using skin scripts and the spatula.

Yes I ordered it from you, and actually I received it yesterday. I already used it on myself and I love it. I'd love the protocol my email is karmaskin@gmail.com

The order came in under your business name that's why I didn't recognize your name! So happy to hear you are loving it. Let me know if you have any questions!

Could you send me the Freshen Up Facial protcol?

Are you getting great results with this too

Here ya go:

These directions are using Skin Script products. You may use similar products that you already have available. 

Cleanse face with appropriate cleanser & rinse thoroughly. 

Put a small amount of retinol 2% exfoliating scrub on the face and lightly massage for about 30 seconds.  Add some water on top of the scrub.  Then use the ultrasonic spatula in the peeling position (blade down) to peel off the scrub.  The movement should be from the side of the face inward and wipe the blade clean with a Kleenex after each pass.  Your client’s skin will feel softer and look more vibrant even after this first step! 

Pat the face dry with Kleenex then use the Dermafile. If you don’t have the Dermafiles, do a quick once over with your microdermabrasion machine. 

Using a brush or your hands apply coconut/papaya enzyme over the entire face. Let it sit for 5 minutes. Again, use your spatula in peeling mode to take off enzyme. Rinse face thoroughly. 

Using a brush or your hands apply the goji berry or seaweed mask mixed with a bit of water (for more slip) and use the flat side of the spatula to penetrate.  Add more water if needed. Use slow upward and outward movements. Penetrate for about 3 to 4 minutes, hot towel wrap and then rinse well.

Spray cucumber toner into the palm of your hand (3 sprays), pat your hands together and then pat toner onto clients face.  Apply appropriate moisturizer and penetrate using the flat side of the spatula for a couple of minutes.

Apply a sunscreen and off they go!!!

Definitely getting good results...there are before and after pics on my website!

Is this facial 30 min or less

Yes. It can be done in 20 but you may want to stretch it out to 30!

Hi Shelley,
I am looking for a new Ultra Sonic Spatula. Do you have the one with Light Thearpy on it.
I would Love any info you have on them? Also what o you think about Microcurent?

I used to stock a spatula with the LED and positive/negative ions....but to be honest, I never notice a very big difference having those added modalities for the extra cost of the unit. So, I decided not to restock them.

I am not a big microcurrent fan. It's just my own thing that I don't really like doing that treatment. I've had a $10,000 machine and a much cheaper one also.....it's just not my thing. Some Estys do swear by it. I think you really need good training to do a proper microcurrent treatment though. The gal who knows a lot about microcurrent is Jan Mann in Las Vegas....look her up, she can help you!!!

Hi Shelly,

How do I get to your web page where I can browse your machines for sale?


Hi Shelly, I have another Q for you. Im starting my new venture and opening my skin spa with the projected date of Sept 21st and grand opening the month of October.I really want to private label.I have a few great machines and the next one Im adding is the skin spatula.I certainly want to retail and provide my clients with the appropriate home care regimen.Do you have a certain company that you would recommend? If so, I would appreciate any info.Theirs so many to choose from and its becoming overwhelming .I've done tons of research on every possible ingredient.I have a list a mile long.I would like to stay organic as much as possible.Once again any advice would be great.TY Tiff


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