I received my Time Master Friday and just tested it on myself.  This is the strangest feeling thing ever!!  Not in a bad way, it really does feel like a magnet!!  I don't have much elasticity loss and my face is kind of boney so it was hard to see lifting but my face definitely feels different!  I did one side at first and then did the other.  My question is how close should you go to the eye area?  I noticed when I went up by the temple my eye twitched and on the forehead was a bit zingy if that makes sense.  I only used it on LOW setting #1 but bumped it to a 2 to try it out, but I definitely would have to get used to that.  I am excited to have clients try this.  I am thinking about offering it as an add on to their facial for just $25 but first time they can test it for free or something like that.  I will be testing it on my mom as well...guinea pig!!  What are other Estys doing as far as treatment protocols, charging, etc?  I would love to hear from you all!! 

Questions for all that are using this machine already:

Now when I am explaining this to clients and saying that it opens up a pathway, what do I tell them when they ask HOW?  It is because of the micro current built in to it?  I just want to be able to give them a better explanation. 

Has anyone had a client that did not like the way it felt?  How long will the results last after one treatment?  I know you said best in a series of 10 and then maintenance.  Are you selling this as a full treatment or the 10 minute add on?  If someone wanted to come in for a quick treatment, cleanse, apply serum/gel mask, timemaster for 10 minutes or so, moisturizer, sunblock. How are you charging this treatment?  If you are doing a full facial, can you tell me your typical protocol/prioducts used.

I would definitely like to sell this as the firming facial where I cleanse with Skin Scripts Pom Cleanser, then glycolic cleanser with dermafile on top, use the Skin Scripts Passion Fruit Peptide, then massage in control correctives tri peptide firming serum, apply the control correctives firming mask, remove after 10 minutes, apply more peptide serum underneath either Skin Scripts Seaweed mask or the Control Correctives Hydrant Stabalizer, then perform time master, moisturizer sunblock.

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Hi Sheila, which Firming Mask are you speaking of that you see pretty awesome, instant results?


hey Jill did you order the Eye Time Master?  Just wondering your results if so and how you like it.  I really am thinking about getting it.  I have a hard time with the machine around eyes and the forehead and feel like the eye one would be easier to maneuver. 

Yes Sheila I did, and have it now. I have only tried it on myself so far...I have built a facial that is currently on my menu as more of a microcurrent facial. I will let you know how it goes. The eye master is made of very light plastic. I was a little disappointed in my initial impression of it (how it felt)..but, it seems to 'feel' the same as the Time Master. I actually used the the eye master on my entire face, and I have to say I liked it almost better than using the Time Master because is was easier to maneuver over the curves and such of the face. With maybe the exception of the neck area. But, what I don't know is if it would give the same results as the larger machine??  To be honest, I haven't used the Time Master enough to 'see' results quite yet. How about you?

I haven't used it in a series.  I have given most of my existing regular clients a complimentary treatment with it.  Most of them loved it and saw results immediately but I am not sure how long the results lasted.  I will find out soon!!  I think I am going to get the eye one as well.  Maybe use the larger one for the neckand cheeks and then the eye for the mouth eye and forehead.  Thanks for the feedback!!

That's exactly how I plan on using the eye master too. Keep me updated on how it goes!

Yes, the Eye Master feels lighter than the Time Master but it makes sense to me. We're working around the eye!! It's easier on us to have something a little lighter weight so you don't have to worry about being heavy handed around that sensitive area. I personally like the fact that it's lighter!!


It's also really good around the lips and the nasal labial fold. I like the Time Master for the neck, jaw and mid face area and the Eye Master for lips, eyes and forehead.

It is nice I suppose to have it 'lighter' in weight for use around the eye area....I mean sure, that is a great way to justify it I suppose. It really seems that they could have chosen to manufacture it using better quality materials. With regards to weight... I didn't see a problem using the larger Time Master around the eye? It being heavier...it was more of the awkward size that was an issue. While I love the size of the Eye Time Master, and the design is great... I suppose what I am trying to get at is that I don't think the quality of materials justifies the price point that it is in. 

Shelley would we get the same kind of results using the eye master on the face as well as we would if we used the time master? Or is the Time Master giving more current? I have not purchased either yet waiting till the 1st week of Sept after all my bills are paid (haha) so just wondering if I used the eye master all over the face would clients get good enough results? Thanks all this is really good info 

It would take you longer because the eye master is pretty small. It's not that the Time Master is putting out more current, it's just treating a bigger area...make sense? You can do the eyes with the Time Master if you only wanted to purchase one of them. I used only it until I found out about the eye unit...so it is doable. But....the eye master does rock!

Thanks Shelley. I just ordered the time master !! I am very excited as this is my first little tool in my bag of tricks. I will let you know my experience with it when I use it :) 

Love doing 10 to 15 min on neck jawline and cheeks w large one and 10-15 min with eye one around mouth, eyes and forehead. Did my first tx w both today. Client loved!!!

Sheila...what did you use on your client w/ it? (Serum, gel mask/conductive product etc..)


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