Who's using the Clarisonic brush? We all know that it's been around for awhile. There are ads everywhere. Without even giving it a try, I kinda poo poopd it. I thought they were an MLM company. They aren't! The rep called me last week and wanted to stop by. Okay Shelley, let's check this this thing out....Wow, I REALLY like it!! This is a great little tool.


I started using it on my clients to demonstrate how great it is and next week I'm placing a big order. I had them prepay. I'm talking to them about not only using it on their faces but taking it in the shower and doing their decolletage and upper arms and forearms and back of hands and....you get my point!


You will see Clarisonc in Sephora, Bloomingdales, QVC and other places but don't be concerned, they have a model that can only be sold by spas and doctors offices. I am offering that model to my clients.


We've put together a new body contouring and cellulite reduction treatment for the new year. We'll start off with a good brushing using the Clarisonic! This treatment will be by body parts, not whole body. In other words, back of legs or front of legs or stomach during one treatment.


If you haven't checked out this fabulous tool yet, email me and I'll make sure the rep in your area gets in touch with you!

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I have used it during skin treatments and LOVE it! I would buy it for myself and clients when I was working a while back.  I would love to use it again when I start my business!!

I purchased on a couple of years ago.

I just never got around to using it.

Anyway - I got a facial a couple of months ago and the esthetician used a brush - it must have been a clarisonic because it was not harsh. So I was inspired to dig out mine (never used) and charge it up and add it to my treatments.

Well evidently if you don't keep the unit charged the "battery" dies and the unit doesn't work.

I contacted Clarisonic - the unit was out of warranty and they would not offer me any options at all...not even a trade in discount.  The battery is not replaceable.  So I have an expensive piece of junk that is going to take up space in a landfill.

I think it's a good product but I am not too thrilled with my customer serive experience - and decided not to purchase a new unit (which is the only option offered to me).

For retailing to clients - make sure that you educate them on proper use. People like to use these everyday - and for most people this is too much stimulation on their face from what I have read on other forums.  I am sure that the Clarisonic rep can give appropriate education suggestions.

Okay, who is using their Opal unit? I'm hooked. I've beem using it around my eyes and on my lips twice a day. A client came in on Monday and ask me if I did something to my lps because they looked fuller..whoohoo! I said "No, but let me show you what I'm doing". I did it on her and she purchased one!

The opal unit? Is this on the clarisonic brushes?

I have been using the Opal for several weeks and my lips are fuller also.  I am using the serum that came with it and having great results, but would love to try Shelley's product with it. The Opal is a great tool and the Clarisonic brush is great.  It almost changes the texture of your skin after you have used it for a little while.


I love the clarisonc i havent used it on my clients but i use it in the shower every morning when i apply my cleanser which i use skin script love love love it

The Opal is a seperate unit made by Clarisonic. It's awesome for around the eyes and the lips. I just ordered 12 of them and have quite a few prepaid from my clients that I used it on in treatment.


The eyes and the lips are the two areas that we all notice aging.

Are you using their serum and products or your own?

My own! I haven't even tried theirs, although I'm sure they're very nice. I'm just partial to my Real Transformation Serum!

LOL! That's probably why the results are so amazing!

Sounds like a perfect "package deal" for clients.

Now I want to get the Opal for my eye treatments!!!

How does it work? whats the price? Maybe you could let your Rep. from clarisonic email me at suenivastouch@q.com. Thank you!


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