Okay guys...I've had this great handheld spatula that I've been using and selling for about three years now. It's a little work horse. The company I get them from emailed me that they have a new one for me to check out. It has the positive/negative ions and also red LED light that comes out of the end while you're using it...kinda cool. I've have it now and have been playing with it. I like the way it feels in my hand and it's a sturdy unit. The ultrasonic seems intense enough and the LED is a nice little bonus.


Here's my question to those of you that use a spatula with the postivie/negative ions. Do you think it's really doing anything?! From what I've read, it has to do with the type of product you are pentrating that determines which of the ions you use. I'd love your feedback on this!


You can see the spatula here: http://www.shelleyhancock.com/ultrasonicspatula.html

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I CAN'T wait to get mine!!!!!!! You are so awesome Shelley!!!!!!!! And the wording above is exactly what I'll be using to market it. I'm so excited.

I had a super great compliment from an Esty that purchased this new spatula. She has been using a unit from one of the big name companies and she told me that my spatula felt more powerful and that it felt more comfortable in her hand! WhooHoo...music to my ears!

I purchased this tool from Shelley a few weeks ago and my clients are loving it!

They are all raving about smoother, fresher feeling skin.

Thanks so much, Shelley!!

Hi Shelly, at the Skin Script class in Chicago I purchased both the body dermafile & the spatula and I just want to double check that I can use both in a facial? Do you have a sequence or protocol you would use when working with Skin Script? Any creative names for a facial using both as these are my only facial gadgets?

Hi Lizabeth,

Yes, you can use both in a treatment. Here's what I like to do: Cleanse, then you can use your spatula to take the cleanser off. Or cleanse, rinse, then retinal scrub (massage in a bit, then add some water) and take off with the spatula, rinse well. Then, on dry skin, use your Dermafile.


Here's another one: Cleanse and use spatula to take off cleanser, rinse well. Use Dermafile on dry skin. Then, apply one of Lisa's enzymes. Leave on for 5 or 6 minutes. I don't use steam but you certainly can. Because I don't use steam, I need to add a little water over the enzyme at this point and then use my spatula to take it off.


There's really no right or wrong...get creative with it!


I have a quick 30 minute treatment that I call "The Freshen Up Facial". It's a quick treatment that gets results. It's a good way to introduce new clients to your Spa. I suggest offering it for a very reasonable price to get them in the door and on your treatment table. Call it an introductory treatment and charge $40. They'll see a difference and then want to know what else you offer! If you'd like the directions let me know!

I am very interested in purchasing this ultrasonic spatula! I have 6 metal pins in my feet, do you know is this ok for me to use on clients? I just wanted to double check and be sure :)

Hi Nicole...this won't effect you at all. The part you would be holding is plastic. Oh my word girl...six metal pins!!!

Hello Shelley! I have a student question here.  I am learning about machines in facials. I have used a Galvanic Machine (positive/negative current.

I do understand how to use the Galvanic Machine. Is your Ultrasonic Spatula with Positive and Negative LED the same as using Galvanic? Please explain the difference to me or are they the same? Just wondering.


Hi Diane..sorry for the delay in the response. I was off doing the Empowering Estheticians workshop and then trying to get caught up! Yes, the postivie/negative on the spatula would be used just like the galvanic. They are two different modalities but both are meant to penetrateng product. Ultrasonic uses ultrasound while galvanic is a current. The cool thing about a spatula is that you can also use it for extractions and exfoliation!! Thanks and hope this helps.

Thanks Shelley!  I understand how it works now.  I will be purchasing one or maybe two from you just as soon as I get that license!! This is certainly one of the tools I would love to work with I am sure!! Thanks!


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