Working with a new product line brings lots of questions and trial/error so thanks for your help!

A hairdresser at the salon I work out was working on her client (26yo, female) who is very frustrated about her mild adult acne + slight dryness.  Spoke to her about the importance of home care + professional care.  Scheduled a Facial and sent her home with the following samples & instructions:

Green tea cleanser (AM/PM)

Glycolic Cleanser (AM, 2-3x/week)

Glycolic/Retional Pad (PM)

Vit C serum (AM

Light Moisturizer (AM/PM)

Confirmed her appointment with her yesterday and she reported the samples are drying her skin out.  Any advice on adjusting the home care protocol and/or what product to use on her today (coming in for a facial)?

I know its hard when you dont see the actually skin but thanks!

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Hi Shannon:  I'd love to help.

The glycolic pads are drying to the skin.  Also the light moisturizer is meant for oily skin and would be too light for drier skin.  Let's change the glycolic pads to the Cucumber Toner and change the light moisturizer to the Ageless Skin Moisturizer.  Let's try this and see how well we do.  The Cucumber Toner is excellent for drier forms of acne.  It has something called "fructooligosaccarides" which is a great pro-biotic for skin health (maintaining the healthy bacteria).

For a professional treatment I would suggest either the Coconut Enzyme or the Lemon Zest enzyme.  Spot treat active breakouts with the Cranberry Turnover Peel if you have it.  Let me know how it goes.

Thanks Lisa...I SO APPRECIATE YOUR SUPPORT!  I did attend the product class in Seattle but now that I am actually using the products I am having more and more questions. 

Feel free to listen to my professional and retail webinars also - you might pick up more and more from them.  I will be back in Seattle next Fall so you could re-attend another training then too.  To register for webinars, go to and click on the training tab.  Scroll down to find the webinar that will work with your schedule.

Of course, always feel free to keep asking questions on this ASCP blog, or e-mail


Thanks for the advice.  It looks like that shift was just what the client needed.  She texted today and said her skin is looking great.  She also has eliminated dairy from her diet.  Thanks again


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