Hello Everyone!!!

    I was wondering which products you all recommend client's use, at home, to prep their skin for skin script chemical peels. Any and all suggestions with protocols would be greatly appreciated. Thanks a bunch!!

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Skin Script has a recommended Pre/Post Peel Kit. I think it's perfect except I like to add the Hydrating Serum and Cucumber Toner. And then I pick the moisturizer based on the client. Below is what comes in the kit.

  • Green Tea Antioxidant Cleanser
  • Glycolic Cleanser with Antioxidant
  • Retinol 2% Exfoliation Scrub
  • 2 Sets Glycolic and Retinol Pads
  • Acai Berry Moisturizer
  • Sheer Protection SPF 30 Sunblock

I am doing 2 peel series on clients right now and they are both using these products. I just saw one of them for the 2nd time and I am already seeing a difference in her skin. If they use it, it works! 

Thanks Devyn! So is your protocol have them use the green tea cleanser everyday, glycolic cleanser like twice a week, the glycolic and retinol pads twice a day? How is the retinol scrub used? Thanks again for your feedback!!!

Rosa - I agree with Devyn's comments below 100%.  If they use it and are compliant with SPF, you can get great results.

As far as how to use the product:

Green Tea Cleanser used as a primary cleanser to remove makeup and cleanse.

Glycolic Cleanser and Retinol Scrub used together 5-7 times per week during the peel series, then back down to 2-3 times per week after the clinical end-point has been achieved.

Glycolic/Retinol Pads twice a day (morning and night) to deliver lighteners to the melanocyte often and effectively to reduce pigment.

Keep in mind that you, the aesthetician, need to adjust the usage based on your clients' sensitivities and dryness.  We want to achieve the clinical end point, but we don't want our client too uncomfortable also.

Hi Lisa, 

    Thank you so much for the feedback. I am just trying to put together my first order for back bar and home care for chemical peels.  I assume that client's should stop all active products a few days before and after each peel?  Thanks again for the protocols. 

Rosa - if you are performing a glycolic or lactic peel, I do not have them discontinue homecare.  If I perform a TCA or salicylic, then yes, I do have them discontinue after the peel (and possibly a few days before, depending on their sensitivity to the products).

Thanks Lisa, I really appreciate the guidance!!


I had a client who continued the Retinol Scrub and Glycolic/Retinol Pads after TCA and didn't have any irritation.  She did use it every two to three days.  Her skin looks much better.  Is it okay for them to use it if their skin isn't sensitive or should I have them stop it? 

Hi Lisa.   If she wasn't flaking, then I think its okay for her to continue homecare products.  When people are flaking or peeling, ensure there are no exfoliants as we don't want to pull the skin off pre-maturely.  This is a judgment call for you to decide based on her response to the peel.  Thanks!


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