Based on the exfoliation webinar, has anyone tried blending your enzymes, peels and mechanical exfoliation yet?  Anyone want to share some of their techniques and results?

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Am awaiting delivery of my Skin Script products and can't wait to try, will keep you posted. So excited about the Skin Script line, so glad I found it in Skin Deep!!

Hi Mary Jo:  I haven't heard from you, personally.  It's been almost a year.  How is it going with the products?

Hi Lisa :)

I just wanted to share a few of the tricks I use:  I love using the 2% Retinol scrub and then layering an enzyme over top and steaming...GREAT results on oily adult skin using the Blueberry Enzyme...if the client is especially congested I sometimes use my Clarisonic a few minutes before removing the product and WOW! I also like to add a pump of glycolic to the Pomegranate or Blueberry enzyme but never with the scrub or clarisonic. I also wanted to add that the Goji Berry/Yogurt mask makes a fabulous massage medium :) As does the Seaweed Chamomile mask (especially on oily skin)

Thanks Ann!  You are a true Skin Script esthetician because you are creative and think outside the box!  I love your exfoliating combination techniques.  Thanks for sharing.

I have a client who I've been doing peels on (glycolic and lactic) and she has hardly flaked.  I gave her the Pumpkin/Orange Enzyme and a sweep of diamond tip micro and she texted me the next day and said she was peeling like crazy!  (Her term - I did not see her actual peeling)  and she was very excited!!  "I love the Pumpkin" she stated. 


I also have a client with Rosacea (mild) but she gets very pink after any treatment.  Do you think the pumpkin enzyme w/o steam would be too aggressive?  What about a Lactic peel (not together)?  What can you recommend - she wants micro but I won't do it.  I want to treat her but not sure what is best - she doesn't seem to care how pink she is when she leaves!

Hi Trish:

You're finding the right products for the right clients.  Yes, the 15% pumpkin can make most people flakey.  Great!


Yes, I think the pumpkin would be way too aggressive for a Rosacea client.  I would use one of the following enzymes on Rosacea or sensitive skin:  Coconut, Raspberry, Harvest Fruit, or Christmas Clove.  I also think your idea of the lactic peel would be okay too.  I agree that microderm would not be appropriate.


I hope this helps!



Yes, thank you!  How about the Kiwi enzyme?  I still have some of that left and need to get at least one of the above! 

Hum ... the Kiwi is high in Vitamin C, which I found would irritate some skin types (regardless of the fact that I marketed it to all skin types).  I think the safest and most effective would be the Coconut enzyme.  It's really softening and calming, yet gently exfoliates; it's my personal favorite when I receive a facial.


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