Okay ladies - I haven't ordered this peel yet.


It is primarily a salicylic peel for oily/acneic skin?


Who is using it and how do you like it?

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Hey there...I was reading the question and answer about the cranberry turnover peel series. I did'nt quite understand the answer to that. Every othere week 3/4 times. What does that mean? Where does the 3/4 times come into place. Sorry for such a dumb question..but I need some clarification please :) Thanks!

Cheryl:  You might apply this peel every other week in a series of 3 or 4 peels.  Does that make more sense?  If not, please feel free to call me at 480-543-1121.  It's very difficult to put an exact number of peels you will perform as we do not know how your client will respond to each one.

ok, and yes it makes perfect sense. With all the enzymes? it would be ok to do every ohter week as a series of 3 or 4 depending of course on how the client is excepting/responding  to it.  Awesome . This is all coming togeather for me little by little which is good. Thanks to all 

It depends on what you are working on - if  it is clinical, correct treatments, absolutely every other week works.  Otherwise, I perform an enzyme every 4 weeks as maintenance. :)  Glad to hear it's all coming together!

I recently added the Cranberry Turnover Peel to my menu, and I am excited about using it.  However, I do have a couple of questions myself. If the peel is used as a spot treatment for acne under another mask, how long can I leave on? I have also been looking for a way to incorporate this peel into deep pore cleansing facial. Any suggestion?

Hi Kimberly:  If I use the Cranberry Turnover as a spot treatment during the masking segment of my facial, I leave it on 10 minutes.  I apply my mask, then spot treat acne areas.  Generally, I leave my mask on 10 minutes.

Regarding using the cranberry turnover in a deep pore cleansing facial, you could do it, but it would be HOT!  If I want to do extractions, I perform the peel first, then extractions, then you could apply a mask.  I initially had this Cranberry turnover listed as an enzyme, but found it was unbearable hot for clients.

I hope this helps!

Hi Lisa,

Thank you for the information. So, how long do I leave the Cranberry Turnover peel on in general? Also, after the peel can I add some steam to help with extractions?

I generally leave the cranberry peel on 8-10 minutes.  I've never tried steam after the peel, but give it a try and let me know how it goes!

Dear Lisa and Colleagues,


I recently bought the Cranberry Peel, for my teenager son which by the way I have in the Milde Acne regimen of our line SkinScript!  Well I performed a facial cleansing as I usually do with to him and my acessment is as follows:

  • Once you apply the Cranberry peel, the effects are felt immediately and if you include the Vapor/steamer even more.  Let's always remember to ask the person to hold for those 8-10 min, if it gets to intensive well then I leave the steam for less time than mentioned or not use it at all. I've noticed that It doesn't matter if your a man or woman we need to understand that for some might be strong than for others and Im refering to the "tingling".  After, I usually follow this with Extractions which is great cause the Cranberry peel have soften all the impurities (sebum ..)  that I'm about to "push" out.
  • I then cleanse with warm towel and close with a great Cold towel over the face, finish cleaning any residue that might have stay behind.  This part my son really likes cause it feels very refreshing after the heat provoked by the Peel.
  • I like to follow with a mask or depending on the time left I follow with the seaweed mask for it's chamomile calming effects, Light moisturizer and finish with our great SPF 30 sun-protector from Skin Script!

 I truly hope that this input gives ides to others to come up with more ways to make it effective to our clients!

I be sharing some recordings very SOON! ? Until then thanks for your time and inputs!

Thanks for that great protocol - I look forward to other comments!

Hi Lisa,

Where did I read that you mentioned the name of a Dr. who can remove enlarged pores? I have a client who is interested.

Also, do you carry a 10% Glycolic wash?


Hi Kimberly:

We do not have a 10% glycolic wash, but we do have a 17% glycolic wash - will that work?  It gets great results!

Regarding the large pore, here is a copy of that comment:

Hi All:  I found a plastic surgeon who will remove these individual, large, troublesome pores.  What was explained is that the surgeon will "h*** punch" the pore and stitch it shut (little tiny stitch with no scar).  The average cost is $350 (depending on a consultation).  This surgeon is in Scottsdale, AZ and his name is Dr. Pogue.  For more information, you can visit www.drpogue.com or e-mail jennifer@drpogue.com.


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