Okay ladies - I haven't ordered this peel yet.


It is primarily a salicylic peel for oily/acneic skin?


Who is using it and how do you like it?

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I just received it yesterday! i haven't personally used it yet but an Esty that I know has and she's raving about it. It's intense! She said she has used it as a spot treatment on pimples and the next morning they're gone!

I look forward to hearing everyone's responses, but I will respond from the company regarding this peel.


The Cranberry Turnover is a 20% salicylic in a cranberry cream base.  Because it's cream, it won't penetrate as deeply as a traditional salicylic, but you will still feel it!  It's about an 8 for "hotness" on a scale of 1-10.  You are right, it's great for oily/acneic skin.  If I had a client who had a full face of acne, I would perform this peel on the entire face; however, most of my clients have 2-3 breakouts, so I spot treat with the Cranberry Turnover during the masking part of the facial.  The cranberry is a great anti-inflammatory (which we see in acne), so it makes a  great treatment for reducing inflammation after the peel (4-5 days).   Expect 4-5 days of peeling/flaking with this peel.


You can get creative with this peel also.  Suppose someone has a lot of "underground" acne that needs to come to the surface.  I would perform a layered "alpha-beta" peel in this case (alpha to bring it to the surface, and beta to dry it up).  I use 30% glycolic (alpha) first, then neutralize it/remove it.  Next I would apply a layer of Cranberry Turnover (beta).  Let me know if you'd like a written protocol on this alpha-beta peel.


As always, feel free to call 480-543-1121 or e-mail lisa@skinscriptrx.com if you have more questions.





LOL - Undergrounders!

Yes - my two acne clients this week fit this description entirely.

Both were new so I did retinol with the blueberry enzyme, followed by the skin spatula.

My second girl I was going to bring back in for a microdermabrasion -

The first one I think will clear up okay just on the products i sent her home with (lol - hopefully anyway!)

Darn - I should have ordered this peel when I placed my order this week!

I just expected more opportunities for the lactic and glycolic peels.

I think I got the two acne clients in because school starts next week.

Fabulous idea to use as spot treatment with the masque - glad to hear that it has anti-inflammatory effects. 


I decided that I am going to start a monthly teen night starting in Sept. for 13-17yr olds

I am thinking of just having a flat rate for the session and just do whatever their skin is ready for...even if it's a peel or microdermabrasion...not sure yet.  Any thoughts?

Or maybe I can offer two levels...an entry level and an advanced level.


I think this protocol (alpha/beta peel) is in the training manual already, isn't it Lisa?

Hi Cathy:

Yes, the Alpha Beta peel protocol is on the back side of the Cranberry Turnover peel sheet.

I think the teen night is a great idea!  If you have them all there, you can treat them one after another and maximize your time and profits.  I had 2 teens in last Saturday morning and spent 1/2 hour with education and another 1-1/2 hours treating their skin.

If you need the Cranberry Peel, it's only $5 for shipping so it won't break the bank!


Lisa, I do have a gal with the underlying acne, when you really feel the tissue you can feel the nodules under there she has some breakouts and super dry skin, Not oily at all. So I am a bit confused as her pores are not big as far as having oily skin more dry skin type . She does'nt really use any moisturizer and not alot of skin care as she is afraid because she says when she uses anything she breaksout . I did give her samples of the blemish control.  Just looking for some input and thoughts Thanks 

Hi Cheryl.  The dry acne is difficult because your clients want to keep stripping the skin.  Here's what I would do:  Series of 6 peels (alternate glycolic and lactic peels) on a weekly basis.  For homecare, I would suggest Green Tea Cleanser, Glycolic Cleanser (used 3 times per week), Retinol Scrub (used 3 times per week), Cucumber Toner, Ageless Skin Hydrating Serum, and Ageless Skin Moisturizer.  I think the Blemish control cleanser will be too drying for her dry skin - it contains salicylic, so I tend to use the Blemish control cleanser for normal to oily skin types.

Feel free to call me at 480-543-1121 if you want me to clarify further.  Thanks!

ok and is it ok to start her on the glycolic cleanser @ home right away, this is the client who hasnt ever really used or had any treatments. And give her a week of that home care and then start her treatments with the series of peels so her skin kinda works up to it  Thank you much :)

With the cranberry turnover peel, what is the recommended series?

Every other week  3/4 times??

Thank you!

Did this peel on another esthetician and her skin looked amazing!!


Hi Marie:


Every other week 3/4 times sounds good to me.  It's hard to put an exact figure on a series.  I, personally, always re-evaluate each time the client comes in to determine if I need to perform another peel.



Thank you Lisa!!

Hi Lisa. On a 1-10 scale where is the lemon zest. And is it ok on all skin types? 

Hi Cheryl:  The lemon zest by itself is about a 2-3 for tingliness.  I would use it on all skin types except rosacea or highly sensitive skin.  Thanks!


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