Hi Friends:


I'm working on my 2012 on-the-road trainings.  With the holidays approaching I won't hold many trainings in November and December, but want to get a great start in 2012.  I have mid-Florida and Raleigh, NC on my agenda for Jan/Feb 2012.  Where else do you want to see me?


While we are on the subject of trainings, do you have specific requests of what you would like to learn in trainings (besides how to use the products.)  Maybe we should invite Shelley Hancock along to demonstrate equipment used in conjunction with the products (e.g., oxygen machines, microcurrent, dermafiles, skin spatulas, etc.)



Views: 1236

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I'm laughing out loud.  You initially requested New England and I was thinking the United Kingdom-England.  Then, Rachel asked for Portland, so I had Portland, Oregon on the list.


Let me re-state myself.  I would love to come to New England - it is so beautiful!  I now have Portland, Maine and Boston, MA on the list.  Hee, hee.  My geographic skills need honing.

>Big Grin< over here!  So funny!
But there is only one Seattle - hint, hint.  ; )

another >big grin< here too! (:

Boston or Portland, either is a good location!




I'm so glad you're coming to Florida!  I think the idea of Shelley Hancock demonstrating the equipment used in conjunction with products would be a winner.  A little marketing wouldn't be bad either.  Just started using SS and I love it.




Emelina - did you get the message that we will be in Orlando on February 26?  Shelley let me know what she will not be coming with me to Orlando :(

Lisa, is Atlanta on the list?? I sure hope so! Also, a poster would be great to have for my new office.

It is now!  I'm working on booking conference rooms and will let you know when we will be there.  Thanks for the request!

How about Chicago? I know you'll be attending the Face & Body show, but would it still be okay to come out there anyways?

Hi Dorothy - we have April 29, 2012 on our calendar for a full training day in Chicago!  We will announce these trainings via e-mail newsletter as we schedule/confirm conference rooms.  Do you receive our e-mail newsletters?

Not yet, but I will sign up for them very soon! I'm in the process of validating my account with skin scripts!

Dorothy - I found your licensing information on the Illinois Board of Cosmetology and have approved your on-line account.  You can visit www.skinscriptrx.com and click "pro login" to begin browsing and ordering.  By the way, I added you to our e-mail list so you will receive our newsletters.


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