Hi Friends:


I'm working on my 2012 on-the-road trainings.  With the holidays approaching I won't hold many trainings in November and December, but want to get a great start in 2012.  I have mid-Florida and Raleigh, NC on my agenda for Jan/Feb 2012.  Where else do you want to see me?


While we are on the subject of trainings, do you have specific requests of what you would like to learn in trainings (besides how to use the products.)  Maybe we should invite Shelley Hancock along to demonstrate equipment used in conjunction with the products (e.g., oxygen machines, microcurrent, dermafiles, skin spatulas, etc.)



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I will put some posters in the mail to you tomorrow.  We will not be at the Phili show this month.  I am preparing 2012 marketing and plan to be at the Phili show next year!!!


Okay - we have Seattle and Philadelphia on the wish list.  I will try to schedule these for January -March 2012.  New England is a little far, but may 2013 or 2014 - I'd love to visit!!!!!

I am north of Philadelphia - but certainly close enough to drive or take a train down!

That would be fabulous if you could add this area for a training.

And you know I LOVE Shelley!




Any dates for philadelphia yet?

I have July 10th on the calendar for Philadelpha - I will firm it up and publish it as we draw nearer.  I look forward to meeting you!

Thanks Lisa!  Looks like I'll be going to Philidelphia too!!


I'm in Maine!  We tend to be forgotten when it comes to trainings.  :(  How about at least Massachusetts?  Boston??

Hi Rachel! Where are you in Maine?

It would be great if Lisa could get to Boston, or maybe NY?? (:

Hi Marie!

I'm near Portland...... gorgeous city by the ocean!  Are you nearby?


Okay - Boston and Portland are on the list!  Watch for the 2012 training list via e-mail newsletters.


PS - how far is Boston from Maine?  I might actually schedule Maine because I've never been there.

Yay!  :)  Boston and Portland are 2.5 hrs apart.


Thank You, Lisa :)

Lisa, you would love Maine! So beautiful!

But you may want to schedule in the spring, it can be quite chilly

in the winter!

I am not too far from Boston so I could make it to Maine!

And Rachel, I am in central Mass so we are not too far apart!


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