Hi Friends:


I'm working on my 2012 on-the-road trainings.  With the holidays approaching I won't hold many trainings in November and December, but want to get a great start in 2012.  I have mid-Florida and Raleigh, NC on my agenda for Jan/Feb 2012.  Where else do you want to see me?


While we are on the subject of trainings, do you have specific requests of what you would like to learn in trainings (besides how to use the products.)  Maybe we should invite Shelley Hancock along to demonstrate equipment used in conjunction with the products (e.g., oxygen machines, microcurrent, dermafiles, skin spatulas, etc.)



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We tentatively have New York on the list for July 8.  Once we have a conference room confirmed, we will let you know!  Thanks.

Hi Lisa, Do you have trainings coming to Milwaukee,Wi. or Chicago? I'm not sure if I'm on the email list. Thanks crossing my fingers LOL

Hi Cheryl - are you planning on visiting the Face and Body show in Chicago?  If so, we have a condensed training at the show on Sunday, March 4 from 3-4:30 in Room W-181b.

Otherwise, we are planning a full training in Chicago Sunday, April 29.  Once we confirm a conference room, we will publish the training.  Yes, you are on our mailing list.


Hi Lisa,
Is Atlanta on your list if cities you will be offering training? I sure hope so! Also, if Shelly could come I would love training on advanced peel treatments and microcurrent! Love your products!

Hi Susan - how about we see you in Atlanta on Monday, February 27?  I just booked the conference room and I'm getting ready to announce it.  I've invited Shelley and she's 99% positive she will be joining us.

Whoop whoop! That would be so great! Lisa, 2012 is going to be a fabulous year for all of us. I am very excited to be meeting the two of you! I will counting the days!

I think 2012 is going to be a fabulous year too!  I was talking to Kristi (works in the office) on Friday and we're both really excited to get out and meet everyone.  We count the days too!  We're going to take a day and sight see Atlanta.  Any suggestions for tours or sightseeing?


Lisa are you going to be in the New York area at all?


Hi Susan - I have New York on the schedule for July (when it's warm).  I'm not familiar with New York State.  Can you suggest a city?  I could do two trainings in New York since it's such a large state.  Maybe one near Manhatten and another one somewhere else?  Suggestions?

Well I'm on Long Island so Manhatten would be great for me!

I will put my thinking cap on....lots to do and see in Atlanta

Please let me know where you will be at in Atlanta on Feb. 27th.




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